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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 1 declined, 1 accepted (2 total, 50.00% accepted)


Submission + - Telecommunications data retention unconstitutional (dw-world.de)

bickerdyke writes: The highest german court ruled this morning that the advance retention of telecommunications data is unconstitutional. Collected data has to be deleted immedeatly.

Comming into effect January 2009, telephone and internet providers had to store information about each and every telephone, internet or email connection for 6 months. 35,000 people sued against that law at the Bundesverfassungsgericht

Article in german: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Karlsruhe-kippt-Vorratsdatenspeicherung-2-Update-943695.html
Press release: http://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/pressemitteilungen/bvg10-008.html

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