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Comment Re:I have a better idea (Score 3, Interesting) 548

Focusing on the escapes isn't focusing on the problem. Tell me, which sex is more likely to be diagnosed for medical "treatment" than the other? The current schooling environment is hostile to boys. *That* is the reason they aren't good at it, they are not taught how because the teachers are predominantly female and don't know or want to know how to teach boys. So the boys escape.

Comment Re:Fox News? (Score 5, Informative) 682

Or Leahy, Democrat from Vermont (since Hatch is a Repub):
"You can't erase e-mails, not today, They've gone through too many servers. They can't say they've been lost. That's like saying, 'The dog ate my homework.' They're there, They know they're there, and we'll subpoena them, if necessary, and we'll have them."

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