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User Journal

Journal Journal: Have I Been $rtbl'd? EDIT: It Seems So... 3

Well, despite having excellent karma at the time of this post, I can't get any +1 posting bonus. Ever since I've enabled reporting of metamoderation results (not long after I was able to metamoderate), no results have been shown. I've never been able to moderate, yet I haven't been posting anywhere below neutral for quite some time.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Time to Fix the Moderation System, Davey 10

Lately, every post that I have made that ends up getting a score of five has been moderated down with the qualifier of overrated. I've felt this way for a while, but the overrated qualifier should be done away with.

In fairness, the underrated qualifier should go to. I think that if you are going to moderate a post, you should have a good reason.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Fuck Slashdot 15

Wow, leftist assholes (not claiming that all of you are assholes, now) who don't want to argue their opinion like to downmod you just because they disagree with you. I don't care where you stand in the political realm, do you really think it's fair that you get shut out of a conversation because you disagree with the Slashdot status quo? To see why I'm pissed, read my "Howard Dean's a pussy." Now, Slashdot won't let me comment anymore today because of their fucked up Karma model, but yet Anonym
User Journal

Journal Journal: Stupid system 2

I'm forced to post at -1 because of making posts moderated as Funny. Thanks Slashdot! Is anybody else in the same position?

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