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Journal Journal: Illegal should mean Illegal 3

LOS ANGELES -- Even though the law doesn't allow them to vote, illegal immigrants are changing the landscape of the U.S. government -- and affecting the census' depiction of the population.

Four states, including California, gained congressional seats because of an immigration increase and nine states, including Montana, either lost or failed to gain seats, according to the Center for Immigration Studies (search)....

Full article here.

Why doesn't illegal mean illegal? I can't understand the mentality of the people who aren't for just kicking these people out. They are illegal immigrants, and they should be deported. Come to this country legally, and I will welcome them with open-arms. Just rediculous.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Democrats aren't going to like this news... 1


Things are starting to look up for the economy, which is bad news for democrats. We all know they are hoping the economy tanks all the way to the next election.

Finally, some job growth and no inflation, so probably no reason to think in the near term that interest rates are going to be raised. Hopefully things will continue.

Dow is almost at 10,000? Could it be? That pesky stock market that is too risky to invest social security funds is almost up to 10,000? That just cannot be.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Huffington Paid Little Income Tax


Apparently, her views are corporate fat cats should be held accountable for paying their fair share of taxes, but liberal commentator fat cats are exempt from paying their fair share.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Gay Marriage and Conservatives 4

Wendy McElroy's editorial on FoxNews.com was interesting, but I wanted to add some more to it.

It would probably really shock all my liberal friends to see that I am for gay marriage. I just got married about 2 months ago, and it really seems to make life easier. We can be on either health care plans, we get to pick the best one. We could visit each other in the hospital, if we ever had to. We'll get each other's social security benefits if one of us passes away. You almost feel as if you get some security blanket when you get married, in a financial and health sense.

So, should gay couples be allowed to form some type of permanent union to receive the same benefits and services? Absolutely. I believe everyone has the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, without the government telling you what you can and can't do. Do I think this union should be called marriage? Well, I'm kinda split on this one, not really sure I agree with calling it that. However, the name of what this union is shouldn't be the biggest stepping stone in forming a fair policy for this.

I think the biggest thing scaring conservatives, is that they feel that their churches will have to perform these new "marriage" ceremonies. I don't think that should ever happen forcefully by the government. I think we need to separate the term marriage from its legal and religious meanings. This is similar to what the catholics do with divorce. First you get a legal divorce, then a religious annulment. The same could be done for marriage. You get legally married, then, if you find a church that is willing to perform a religious ceremony, then you do that too. The government should not by any means force any church to provide marriage ceremonies to couples it doesn't want to. Churches have to be able to define their own policies outside of government control, no matter how un-PC they might considered by others. And if the liberals don't like that, we can use one phrase that they do: Separation of Church and State.

Here's what I think might work to satisfy both sides:

  • Allow any couple to create a legal union, equal to marriage benefits
  • Dissolving of a legal union to have to go through the normal divorce courts, child support, alimony, just as straight couples have to go through today.
  • Have to pay the marriage penalty on taxes.
  • Allow any couples to have wills and establish trusts
  • Be responsible to the same laws that married couples have, in terms of IRA's, 401(k)'s, and other taxes
  • Allow churches to decide on their own whether they recognize these legal unions, and if they want to bless them or perform them, without sanctioning them to do so by the government.
  • This union should have no more rights than any married couple. They should be equal.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Cleveland school district does it again 4


This is hardly a Cleveland-only problem. Every big school district has a similar bloated overspending administrator at the helm.

This is unbelievable. People wonder why the schools in Cleveland aren't getting any better, even though levy after levy has passed. I hope I never live or work in that city (I live in the surrounding suburbs) and see my tax dollars go to waste like that. $54,000 would buy a lot of books, paint, etc.

And why does she even deserve a bonus? Did the children's test scores go up 20%? Did the graduation rate go up 20% I doubt it.

Teachers are not paid enough. Administrators are paid way too much. Administrators make the budget, and are against charter schools, vouchers, school choice, tax cuts. See a pattern? :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: NOW has it all wrong...

The Peterson case is a very gut-wrenching and horrible story, and I hope that whoever committed this murder is brought to justice. However, some groups are already trying to take advantage of this case.

NOW has used the indictments as a political issue. We all know that present-day feminism is mostly about abortion. Feminism and NOW is an industry, and their issues will never go away, when one issue gets solved, they will find another one.

It wasn't more than 48 hours before the first quote from NOW was on Drudge's website. Instead of actually using this horrible murder as a way of encouraging women to learn self-defence so that they can protect themselves from an violent husband/criminal/low-life, they claim the indictments are an attack on the pro-choice crowd and laws. A spokesperson from now said "If this is murder, well, then any time a late-term fetus is aborted, they could call it murder," Morris County NOW President Mavra Stark said on Saturday. Well, at least they have one point right, abortion is murder. Not by law, of course, but morally as believed by at least half of the US population.

NOW could have used this case in a positive light, and could have tried to become more of a mainstream group that more women would be interested in listening too. But they no more than a left-wing extremist group, and should not be regarded as group that represents the thoughts of everyday women.

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