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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 21 declined, 6 accepted (27 total, 22.22% accepted)


Submission + - Perl/Tk on Netbook? 1

michael_cain writes: "I'm starting a couple of projects that will involve taking quite a lot of notes "in the field." That puts me in the market for a netbook that can run my note-taking software: a personal app written in Perl/Tk. The app currently runs — except for OS-specific things like images on the clipboard — on ActivePerl for Windows, on the standard Perl on OS X (once Tk was added), and on every flavor of Linux I've tried. I'm looking for small, light, inexpensive, passable keyboard, and long battery life. I'm OS agnostic. I don't need a lot of storage, so would prefer to go without a hard disk. Can anyone make recommendations for a netbook known to provide a good Perl/Tk platform?"

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