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Comment Re:Try the real one (Score 1) 295

Just read the real bible and you'll be confusing fundies left and right.

And you can go for even nastier than confusing if you want. For example, find someone who's a fan of that Ezekiel 4:9 bread, and tell them that the whole recipe given by God there continues all the way to Ezekiel 4:13: "and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man". Yep, God's recipe there actually calls for human shit as an ingredient for that bread. (Though Ezekiel himself, for being so faithful and kosher all his life, gets Gods dispensation in 4:15 to eat his with cow shit instead.)

Especially if you spring that on them after they ate some, honestly, no amount of lolcat bible can even start to compare :p

The poop wasn't an ingredient, it was the fuel used to cook the bread: "And you shall eat it as barley cakes; and bake it using fuel of human waste in their sight.”

Doesn't make it a whole lot more pleasant, but let's at least be factually correct.

Comment Re:Groklaw link (Score 1) 168

Come on guys. Groklaw has been covering this thing since the very beginning. The least you could do is link to the article there. Give a little respect to Pam Jones for following this long slog like a trouper.

Come on guys. Groklaw has been covering this thing since the very beginning. The least you could do is link to the article there. Give a little respect to Pam Jones for following this long slog like a trouper.

Patience...just wait for the dupe.

Comment Re:Labeling (Score 5, Insightful) 228

I can't see this being of any benefit in the long term. The problem is, even if they -have- autism or other defects, labeling them will do nothing to have them overcome it and will lead the majority of them to make excuses to why they aren't productive members of society. I really don't understand the western mentality of labeling everyone to try to "help". Which is going to make people want to get ahead in life? Being told "hey you have -insert mental disability here-" or "hey, your not doing to great in -insert school subject here-". One has people making excuses and the other just has them either not focus on that and focus on what they are good at or try harder.

Are you serious? The sooner you get a diagnosis, the more therapy and assistance you can provide, which leads to greater success as the child gets older. Speech delays, learning disabilities...they don't have to be show stoppers. How much harder is it when parents struggle for years without knowing what's going on? How much harder is it for the kid when everyone just thinks s/he's dumb or lazy, not realizing there's an actual underlying condition? When you know what that condition is, you know how to approach it and offer help. It's not just a matter of applying a label and being done with's understanding that the child has a neurological condition and finding ways to work with and around it.

/I have an autistic child, so I'm getting a kick....
//Now hand the keyboard back to your parents, let the grown ups talk.

Comment Re:On a trip to Vegas. (Score 2, Insightful) 612

I looked up and said to a friend. This town is so corrupt even the stars have left it.

They all went to North Korea.

Seriously, I see this as more of a factoid than a problem. Greedy capitalist pig that I am, I kinda like not getting mugged in parking lots and being able to see the road at night. YMMV.

Comment Re:Bite the hand that feeds... (Score 4, Insightful) 1142

The U.S. is becoming increasingly hostile toward business. I certainly wouldn't blame Microsoft, Google, Intel or any big company for leaving the U.S. if they can find a country that does not view them as a cash cow, does not attack them with anti-trust, and does not punish their energy-use with cap and trade.

A smart country could displace the U.S. as the economic leader in the world by recognizing and protecting the liberties required for individuals and companies to survive and prosper. If there were a country with minimal tax, strong protection from the government, freedom to think and act - I know I would move there.

Thank you! Why is it that corporations who want to keep the money they earned by selling products and services are evil and greedy, but the government wanting to take more and more of that money is perfectly fine? What makes government more entitled to that money than the person or entity that earned it? You can hate and bash MS or any company for thinking of offshoring jobs to save money, but what about rethinking our punitive tax policy?

Comment Re:Take away the cloud (Score 1) 222

How does it handle situations like when you are on a plane and and you want to pull up a year old document that you could use as a template for the one you are working on now?

Same way Offline Gmail works right now. It downloads a local copy to your PC and keeps it synced with the cloud while you're connected. When your connection's gone, you work as usual. Once you re-connect, everything is synced again in the background. It works well.

Comment Re:Take away the cloud (Score 1) 222

But Microsoft people have a good point about the cloud. Forget speed, think about reliability. And by reliability of the cloud, I actually mean reliability of your internet connection. I think it will be a long time before the internet/cloud can compete with local internal storage. So for Google to compete, cloud features are an awesome additional feature, but to really succeed, I think they need to be able to go toe-to-toe with Microsoft on the desktop without requiring an internet connection.

Google Gears pretty much takes care of the flaky connection problem. Keep a local cache, and sync everything when the Net connection comes back up.

I would love to see Google Docs incorporated into OOo. I've tried an OOo plugin before that was supposed to save to and open from Google Docs...don't remember the name of it, but it kinda sucked anyway. Some enterprising Google engineer could probably whip up a solution in their 20% time, but I'd really love to see it as an official project.

Comment Re:My experience shows a short path (Score 2, Informative) 727

It's not so much that there is something wrong with Linux that makes them reject it. It's not even really rejecting Linux so much as simply not finding their needs satisfied on the system.

My sound didn't work at first. Then I realized it was picking up my onboard sound, so I pointed it to my sound card, and it worked. Oh wait, no it didn't...flash would play in Firefox, but with NO SOUND.

Sounds like a small issue, but part of the reason I went back to Windows as my primary desktop was that I got tired of hunting for solutions to all the here-and-there problems. Also, trying to explain to my wife and kids why something as basic as printing didn't work quite right, or why a certain app would crash, or whatever, got really old. I don't get that in Windows (running XP, btw). All jokes and cliches aside, Ubuntu wasn't cutting it on my desktop, XP was. I hate, but that's how it went for me.

That said, all my servers run Ubuntu. Wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not a MS apologist by any stretch, I just want my stuff to work.

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