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Comment Not Java, but the people who write it (Score 1) 511

It's a product of its times - with many more "computer science" people in the field, math says you're much more likely to run across crappy ones than you were before. (Not a bell curve issue, the bad ones are more memorable) Add in the H1B headwobble factor, and you have a lot of shitty java code, doing things because it can not because it should. Add in a corporate culture where time to market trumps reliability or maintainability, and you have a management philosophy that rewards the above behaviors.
Java is shitty because the world has turned.

Comment secrecy (Score 2) 116

Tor developer Andrew Lewman says... agents from [NSA and GCHQ ] leak flaws directly to the developers, so they can be fixed quickly.

Why announce that publicly? The NSA and GCHQ will now attempt to to shut down the leaks and arrest the leakers. Even if they fail, it is certain to scare the leakers and make leaking more difficult.

"You have to think about the type of people who would be able to do this and have the expertise and time to read Tor source....

Why give those agencies clues to help them figure out who are the leakers?


Comment high food costs will suck up excess capital (Score 1) 152

China has a growing middle class, and a growing class of perpetually single men. They need to stop the middle class from becoming so affluent so quickly (where do you park 400 million cars?), and they need to find jobs for the millions of sad horny guys who could easily become revolutionaries. If the cost of food rises a few percent here and there it bleeds excess capital out of the system, inconveniences a few on the long tail, but as a whole (remember, China thinks long-term, and like a single organism) the economy will be better off.

Comment Phone permissions suck (Score 3, Insightful) 96

Every app seems to want access to your full memory, location info, camera, microphone and contact list. Why does a flashlight app need all this?

I carry a phone because I have to for work, and I need something to read while on the crapper, and that's it. People who use all these fancy apps are the product, not the customer.

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