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Comment What's the fuss? (Score 2) 228

The Internet Kill switch is located on the twentieth sub-floor of the White House, in a small room right beside the cot Dick Cheney hid under in 2001 for three weeks. The switch is enclosed in a nondescript beige controller box with a large round red button that blinks with the pulse of the internet. A sign above reads, only switch off in case of emergency, or alien invasion.

Comment Re:Easy solution: move your mail server to Russia (Score 1) 182

In Russia you'd have to pay off (or get cozy) with Mafia oligarchs or Putin & the gang, paying protection money and not crossing any red lines. Make a mistake and you find yourself thrown in a hell hole in Siberia, or drinking radioactive tea. At least in the US you can hire a lawyer and get a fair shot, in Russia, the lawyer works against you.

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