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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 5 declined, 0 accepted (5 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Compuware aquires maker of HyperTerminal

zifferent writes: According to the press release and an article in the Detroit News making Compuware the largest the world's largest on-demand collaboration platform for lab and prescription data sharing. This is huge news and should place Compuware Covisint as the front-runner towards a single point for medical data for all Americans.

Submission + - Contractor Caught Red-Handed ( 1

zifferent writes: While at work I often have a ssh opened into my home computer so that I can check my email. On this day I had a contractor working on my floor while I was out. I also happened to be tunneling a VNC session when I noticed in my taskbar CPU monitoring tool was pegged. It turns out that firefox was chewing on 98% CPU resources. It's not odd that Firefox would be left running on my home desktop so I killed it, and went back to whatever else I happened to be doing. Well after a bit more of work. I notice firefox back at the top of my top list. So I thought to myself, maybe there is more than one window running. So I killed that process. And two more promptly took it's place. Eventually, I shut down X-Windows and called his home office. Unfortunately he denied everything making me look a bit like a fool. As it stands right now it's this guy's word against mine.
I know I have the shutdown log and the browser history, is there anything else I can do to pin my accusations to this creep? (I run Ubuntu.)

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I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
