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Comment actually... (Score 1) 347

This time they may have stepped into it. Whoever created the myth that the emails were destroyed will probably go to jail. The very claim that the electronic records could not be produced because they were destroyed (while they clearly haven't been) is tantamount to attempting to destroy those records. There is no question that this lie gets them on abstraction of justice and lying to Congress. But attempting to destroy electronic records of a crime brings in a whole new set of charges (think wire fraud and such). They can't back peddle this anymore. Expect them to double down and dig in.

Comment Re:Captain Oblivious (Score 1) 347

I am still confused how the fourth amendment applies to the boss-employee relationship. These computers are owned by the federal government. The Congress, as the entity holding the purse, pays for these computers. The Congress has the power to audit everything on these computers. These are not her private records. These are records created in the process of conducting official government business.

Comment Re:umm (Score 1) 372

Are you joking? The complexity of data handled by the IRS is probably rivaled by NASA. These are the guys who could detect fraudulent patterns of receipts 30 years ago. Exchange? You are talking about them as if they were some 2-bit bureaucracy. The IRS is the all-feared standard for record keeping and processing. Their detection of record inconsistency is near absolute. Loss of records? Exchange server? Are you seriously making this argument? The fact that they mentioned "computer crashes" as the reason should tell you everything there is to know. It's an excuse made by someone without enough technical understanding of how things work. Never mind that is has nothing to do with reality. It has nothing to do with technology. Nor does the person who came up with this myth.

Comment Re:Everyone's Personal Email Server (Score 3, Insightful) 372

It's the IIII RRRRR SSSSS. You know.... the people who get electronic records of all executed buy/sell orders of all the public exchanges... among other electronic documents that they manage of infinitely higher complexity than an email server. Yeah, crashing computers is NOT the reason they don't have those emails. This isn't kindergarten. IRS losing a Summer's worth of emails of a supervisor-level employee doesn't even work as a science fiction scenario.

Comment umm (Score 3, Insightful) 372

Were those her emails to herself? Otherwise, they went through servers. This isn't a school board email server.... it's the IRS. Does anyone seriously think they don't have copious records of all the documents? My dog ate my homework? If you are gonna post any kind of credible reply to this, don't be an AC. Any AC reply to this will be assume to be coming from the legal staff of the Criminal Democratic Party.

Comment full circle (Score 1) 625

It all comes full circle. First black lung was a disability because once you get too old and too stupid to be a coal miner, they no longer want you in that profession. The very opposite is true of a judge. I guess now that they have gotten too fat and too stupid to ever be anything but judges, that must be considered a disability.

Comment Re:would it produce better search? (Score 1) 593

of course my group is inherently superior

No one has made that claim.

I would never discriminate

Actually, no one even made that claim.

However, I did (correctly) posit that correlation does not imply causation. Any accusation based exclusively on correlational evidence is a shake down. That is also 100% true. You are arguing with claims that no one has made in order to prove a point for which you have no evidence.

Comment Re:Equal Rights Equal Results (Score 1) 593

Your tirade can be shortened: correlation does not imply causation. While disproportionate representation is correlated with personal bias of those hiring, it does not even as much as suggest that such bias is present. Just as high correlation of left-handedness and talent does not imply that there is a left-handed conspiracy to promote their own.

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