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Comment Mary Jo White can go screw herself, as . . . (Score 1) 303

. . . no human would! No wonder she did such a piss poor job on Enron (she lead the DOJ's legal team), when all those offshore debt vehicles they used to hide the debt (similar to how Fastow did it at Continental of Illinois, which was the largest bank failure prior to Enron) should have been easily and legally damning enough, for chrissakes!

Although HFT is front running, even worse to the retail investor is the business of internalization, whereby the major brokerages sell 100% of their retail stock trades, on an almost daily basis, to the top banks and hedge funds (and the largest hedge funds are normally owned by the largest banks) --- where the banks and hedge fund match up those trades internally on their computer systems (know as dark pools) which gives them almost complete command and control in insider information on a swarm basis, and manipulating things to their own profit by how and when they do those matches (matching buyer stocks to seller stocks, etc.).

Of course, with the existing potential to purchase an unlimited number of commodity futures per category or item, gives the traders and houses extraordinary ability to manipulate things.

Then there's that LIBOR rate rigging: (Madam Brown explains it far better than moi!):


Of course, being able to purchase an unlimited amount of naked swaps (or uncovered credit default swaps) is what precipitated the global economic meltdown (and NO, the subprime market was but a drop in the bucket where securitizations of debt were concerned, and even then 5/6ths of the subprimes were corporate or wealthy individuals).

Of course, then there's the FOREX market rigging, precious metals markets rigging, virtual naked stock short selling thanks to the DTCC's Stock Borrow Program, and . . . .

Comment Oh, bulltwacky . . . . (Score 1) 384

. . . to understand what happened to the Roman Empire, read this incredibly mentally elegant, and short, paper by Prof. Joseph Tainter (the author of the classic, Collapse of Complex Societies). Hint: it is fundamentally what has, and will continue, to be the collapse of Amerika: http://dieoff.org/page134.htm

Comment And you do?????? (Score 0) 588

Comment You freak them out . . . (Score 1) 588

. . .when you throw actual facts at them, nawcom, aliterates and illiterates cannot stand nor fathom the facts.

Instead, they believe everything the Easter Bunny, Santa, and whomever is president says is correct, and all those revised flight paths CNN keeps showing us on MH370, really did happen, it's just that they have difficulties reading Phil Falcone's Inmarsat data, so they simply have to keep revising everything, don't ya know!

Comment Time for serious reading, children..... (Score 1) 588

Comment Exactly, which is why the largest whorehouse in... (Score 1) 588

...the Western Hemisphere, the US Congress, is forever having all these Hollywood airheads make fraudulent movies for them (Tom Hanks' Joe Wilson's War) and testifying before them. Of course, since GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, and a bunch of other biopharmaceuticals have falsely marketing their drugs, resulting in the deaths of many, and TV specials, quite some time back now, captured dirty bathtubs in China by sub-sub-subcontractors used in drug/vaccine preparation, the criticisms should be obvious to all by this late date!

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