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Comment Disease "Wells" (Score 0) 174

What you think this sort of thing only happens in Africa and Mongolia? Central America is pretty famous for these things too. Tell you what, let's let every single person from some Central American fever swamp walk here and hang out with your kids. I'm sure when they're dead you can pat yourself on the back about your tolerance.

Comment IT is a dying field in the US (Score 1) 250

I don't care what any lobbyist/shil/journalist tells you. IT is dying in the US. We've run out of 'bottom' to chase. The jobs can't be any lower skilled unless they descend literally to the level of button pushing zombie on par with a janitor. No hiring manager has the least interest in skills or what you accomplished before or what you think you can accomplish for them this time. The hiring manager's sole concern is to manage upward to his or her boss who grudgingly told them after two years they could back fill one slot out of 4 that went vacant and it has to be no higher than 75% of 'market rate'. So the hiring manager gets a contract drone who's out the door in 9-12 months. Sure quality suffers, but that's only relevant where quality mattered in the first place. Which is almost nowhere. Fixing that will be some other drone's assignment and they won't be able to get it done either. But again, who gives a shit?

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