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Comment Re:The penalty for treason (Score 1) 519

How, exactly, do Snowden's actions in leaking information to the media of a staunchly allied country fit the definition of treason?

The argument is that because he revealed details about foreign operations he "aided the enemy" (insert extremely rubbery definition of 'aid').

In the same way that far too many crimes are IMMEDIATELY proclaimed TERRORISM (for the sole reason that they have harsher penalties and lower requirements for proof, due diligence, etc)

Comment Re: Traitor (Score 1) 519

So technically the definition of treason encompasses ANY whistleblower about ANY National Security issues.

Again we see overbroad and unnecessary interpretations of The Law which serve NO PURPOSE other than to silence dissent.

Sure we have oversight, and if you come forward raising your concerns we'll ignore you (and destroy your career) and if you go public in ANY way we'll accuse you of treason and destroy your entire life.

Comment What Is the Singularity (Score 1) 339

The core concept of The (digital) Singularity is the same as in physics.

That there will probably be some point where technology escalates at a geometric rate and passes "an event horizon" of some kind.

Typically the concept is based around either artificial or uploaded-humans type intelligence running on faster processors (or perhaps more nodes/cores) than meatspace humanity.

Once that happens, and of course assuming that said "thinkers" have the ability to upgrade/rewrite/improve their self (either software or hardware) , then theoretically we should get some kind of "runaway intelligence upgrade" (same thing as gravity escalating to the point where NOTHING can escape, not even light).

This is NOT FAITH, this is basic logic (if A and B then C).

If we never A, or we never let them B, then C won't happen.

Comment Re:Supporters of the plan accuse... (Score 4, Interesting) 157

You, sir, are a complete IDIOT!,

The money that universities make off their patents doesn't go into the pockets of some mysterious investor but BACK INTO FUNDING THE UNIVERSITY.

As a direct result of being able to profit from their patented research universities can afford to do more (or more expensive) research without having to dip into TAX DOLLARS to do so.

Comment In other news.... (Score 1) 250

Russia is enjoying all the benefits of a Capitalist Free Market and America is crying about it.

Swallow a teaspoon of cement and HARDEN UP people!

You VERY SUCCESSFULLY engineered yourself into a situation where you have NO OTHER OPTION and you ONLY NOW wonder why it's so freakin expensive?


Comment Re:Difficult to defend against (Score 1) 630

It doesn't seem there would be any good defense against this.

The only conceptual defence against such a weapon would have to be some kind of force-field.

Especially when you consider this is a Generation One product.

Scaling the system up in terms of Projectile Speed, Cycle Times, etc would only be a matter of engineering.

Comment Re:Stolen passports? (Score 1) 190

That sounds rather farfetched. Terrorists blowing up a Malaysian plane traveling to China because the US and/or Israel are killing Iranian scientists? Seriously? In case you haven't heard, China has been having a bit of a terrorism problem of its own lately, which makes a lot more sense.

Given the current political climate, I'd be more inclined to believe something along the lines of:

US Governmental Secret Agencies Destroy Malaysian Flight attempting to show that NOWHERE IN THE WORLD is safe from Terrorist Homosexual Paedophile Cannabis-users who hoard Files Released by Snowden.

Comment One Day This Will Be Done (Score 1) 330

Whether it's specifically THIS project, or another.

Whether it's The Japanese or someone else.

The incentive to achieve this is too unavoidable.

Why? (I hear you ask)

Because the distinction between a targetable multi-terawatt laser and an eco-friendly solar-power downlink is mythical (legal, at best).
So Japan can bypass (simultaneously, no less) their own constitutional ban on militarisation AND the internal treaty against "space weapons".

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