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Comment Re:Number of interviews... (Score 1) 454

Most flunk on basic questions like "describe any sorting mechanism" (someone hands you 1000 sheets of paper, each with a page number out of order, walk me through the process you will use to sort them).

If you're writing your own sort algorithms, and you aren't hacking on the standard library of your language, you're probably doing it wrong.

Comment Re:STEM is for suckers.. at least now. (Score 1) 454

Yup. I've been writing software for a decade, and I am ready to get the hell out. I've never even met anyone who earned enough money by writing code to afford decent property in California. Worse, salaryman programmers are treated like beasts of burden, while the VCs are trying to kill off independent consultants as a form of life.

Comment Re:here we go (Score 1) 834

Amusing anecdote: In college I worked as a home computer salescreature at $LOCAL_BIGBOX_CHAIN. We sales staff quickly learned on the job - there was no training in this, or in anything else - to love it when couples came in to buy a computer. Invariably, one partner knew more about the actual tech, and one was more emotional about the purchase.

Our habit as salescreatures was always initially to target the female member of a couple for the "sales talk". This worked >90% of the time, because usually the women were the emotional buyers. But now and then we would run into a couple where the female partner had the tech knowledge. Being good capitalist running dog lackeys, we would immediately turn our sales attentions to the male. For better or worse, the pursuit of filthy lucre follows stereotypes in as much as they are useful predictors of behavior, but little farther.

Comment Re:Trust (Score 1) 481

Iirc, taxi drivers and overnight convenience store clerks have more dangerous jobs than cops. In fairness, cabbies are pretty aggressive. But the overnight clerks are generally super chill, despite being in an objectively dangerous job. So while the danger of police work may play some role in their confrontational behavior, clearly there are other factors at work too.

Comment Re:Obligatory (Score 1) 481

Police don't seem to notice the bizarre circularity of the "arrested for resisting arrest" logic

Cops are mostly dumb, I don't expect them to have any grasp of logic. Problem is, the kangaroo kourts are packed full o' smart-but-evil lawyers and officials who know this kind of logic is irrational, but still think it's an a-okay pretext to destroy the lives of commoners.

Comment Re:In a Self-Driving Future--- (Score 1) 454

Want to be careful about criminalizing an action. Governments are all too likely to seize upon that as a revenue opportunity. If the rules are themselves bad or counterproductive, breaking them may be to everyone's benefit, and the only way to get the government to see that a particular change is necessary.

Comment Re:Yeah right (Score 1) 128

Similar also when Google was mostly blocked, allowing Baidu to fill up the void.

Even at its best, before it closed google.cn and started redirecting people to google.com.hk, Google only had half the number of users as Baidu in China. It never had the dominance we're used to in the USA and most of Europe, and it's not certain that it would have come to dominate in China anyway, considering the stable dominance of other search engines in other large countries. Your statement made it sound like Baidu only caught on once google was out of the picture.

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