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Comment Re:Video (Score 1) 287

I am using an admittedly older MythDora (umm, 10?) system with MythWelcome set up to use the alarm to wake it up when it needs to record something, and power it off when idle.

It usually decides to act up when I am away for a week on business or something, and then everyone's mad at me when I get back!
So I finally added a "mysqlcheck --autorepair" to the bootup sequence.

As a complete aside, I just ran out of disk space while still having 100GB free... ran out of inodes. Some cron job was periodically sending emails, and I had over 500,000 unsent emails in /var/spool. Took a good while to delete all those emails.

Comment Re:Video (Score 2) 287

The video shows a number of ways that MySQL seems to insert questionable data; ignoring NOT NULL, inserting default values when no default is specified, etc...

There are two databases that I have had to repair... Hypersonic and MySQL. MySQL I have to repair regularly in my MythTV box. Hypersonic states it should not be used in a production system. I have never had to repair Postgres, MSSQL, or Oracle.

Comment Re:Is there enough data (Score 1) 623

There is no way to gather a significant amount of data to suggest that we're doing anything "bad"

The amount of carbon (and pollution) we sending into the atmosphere is staggering, and currently accelerating.
Do you like the earth's atmosphere as it is now? Do you think we can just carry on going in this direction, without adversely affecting it?

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