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Comment Re:Depends (Score 1) 567

I run four heads on one of my PCs plus keep a laptop open next to one of those, so effectively 5 screens. One reason for this is if you run several VMs simultaneously it's helpful to have a screen for each to run on. It's also quite helpful to have at lease one or two screens dedicated to email/web reference, I use another for network monitoring, and then a primary screen for whatever I'm actively working on.

Comment Re:There is a reason for this! (Score 2) 317

Many more recent certs are no longer relying solely on multiple choice. For example, the past several revisions of the CCNA exam have become more and more focused on network simulator questions and multiple choice has been relegated to checking for things best asked through multiple choice. The multiple-choice only cert test is a relic which is well on the way to being gone (at least in the networking area).

Comment Re:Certifications for IPv6? (Score 1) 317

As far as I know there aren't any well known (or even up and coming) certifications specifically geared towards IPv6...yet. I suspect they will start coming once consulting on IPv6 transitions becomes a thing...and I'm pretty sure it will. Some day CIOs will wake up and decide they want IPv6 because they read about it somewhere, or their buddy CIO is doing it, or their competitor is doing it, or a supplier is requiring it, or a customer is requiring it, or any one of a million other reasons.

When that day comes there will be demand for a good number of IPv6 transition consultants because:
1) Most IT people are too busy doing their job as it is to learn IPv6, especially IPv6 transition strategies. It's not something you can learn in a couple of afternoon workshops.
2) IPv6, especially transition strategies, is complicated enough and foreign enough that it can be confusing at first to get your head around it.
3) If you do it wrong you can cause lots of problems
4) The transition and planning part, which is the trickiest part, is a one-time thing so it will likely make sense to bring in a consultant.

The demand for consultants with a fairly new technology (well, sort of new, new to most people anyway), meaning that experience is hard to come by, will likely encourage some sort of IPv6 certification movement to substitute for experience in verifying skills.

All that said...take another look at the CCNA. You're likely to need this if you want to be taken seriously in networking anyway and Cisco has consistently been adding more and more IPv6 to it in each of the last several revisions.

Comment Re:Lasers and deformable mirrors arnt expensive (Score 5, Interesting) 150

If it was for base connectivity I would be very surprised if fiber wasn't laid. I am more likely to believe the military use for this was designed for something which can be setup quickly in forward operating locations. Fiber takes time and substantially more infrastructure to install. Theoretically this could be run off a steerable pop-up mast which could be setup in minutes.

Comment Apples and Oranges (Score 4, Insightful) 81

Sure, it's an ideal situation where a bug was identified, fixed quickly and a patch pushed out and applied by large users quickly but Xen is a program which is much more centrally controlled than BASH or OpenSSL. BASH and OpenSSL are more key infrastructure bits than Xen is. What I mean is that they are integrated into FAR more devices and systems making a silent patch nearly impossible.

Comment Re:Copyright seems weird (Score 3, Informative) 72

IANAL but just to complete a minor lesson in authorship and copyright in the US. By default copyright is assigned to the original author of something...except is the work is done "for hire" in which case the hiring individual or company will own the copyright independent of whomever wrote the work. At any point the owner of a copyright (which is really a set of rights they are allowed) can sell some or all of those rights (or otherwise license the work) on an exclusive or non-exclusive basis. If the copyright is sold wholesale than the new copyright owner would typically change the copyright notices to indicate that. To further complicate things with game franchises such as this there are additional trademark issues and rights issues surrounding the character, spin-off (derivative) works, etc. which may or may not have been included in the sale which is why the binary files (presumably containing the art) may not be licensed under the GPL.

Bottom line is the IP rights are a messy thing.

Comment Re:Copyright seems weird (Score 1) 72

Not that I'm aware of, I think it says that because he's the one who owns the copyright. The whole point of giving him money on indiegogo seems to be to allow him to purchase the copyright which he apparently did. Hence, he is now the copyright holder. As owner of the copyright he has decided to release the source under the GPL.

Comment Re:Alternatives (Score 4, Informative) 242

I know it's not very slashdot-like to do some research before posting but if you're not familiar with IPv6 please do yourself a favor and check it out thoroughly before spreading FUD. Yes, IPs are (most frequently) tied to MAC addresses _BUT_ you almost always will have 3 IPv6 addresses... a link-local address for communication just on the local subnet, a globally public one tied to your MAC (which you can distribute to people who you WANT to reach you), and a global public "temporary" IP address which you can use for outgoing connections but which will change periodically and will not be tied to your MAC. Of course this all depends a little on your IPv6 stack in your OS but this is how it's typically being handled.

Comment Re:I grew up in Atlanta... (Score 1) 723

We're going to agree to disagree about 4 wheel drive having any substantial assistance for stopping. If you need to use it to stop you're either following too closely or going too quickly. There is no question that 4wd is an advantage in certain circumstances and when used appropriately. My farm truck has 4wd and I wouldn't have it any other way out there. I have never had 4wd on a daily driver though and seriously doubt the few times it might come in handy outweigh the reduction in gas mileage year round. Also do you really think all those SUV drivers from some suburb barreling down the highway are using engine braking? I suspect that in most cases 4wd is just causing them to be unnecessarily reckless. Streets are almost always plowed within 12 hours of snowfall at the latest. I just don't see that there's any justification for 4wd for the vast majority of people who have it in Minneapolis/St. Paul and like I said it probably causes them to be reckless.

I am firmly in the camp that you can learn appropriate winter driving skills in a sedan and be much better at getting around than all the idiots with fancy SUVs who don't know how to use them. I also believe that's the majority of SUV drivers.

Comment Re:I grew up in Atlanta... (Score 1) 723

Bingo. My problem is that we are getting more residents moving in from out of state who are not familiar with how to navigate in winter weather and they are causing more and more problems. It also probably compounds the issue that we've had some weak winters for at least the last decade or so. What you need to do is to allow adequate stopping distances, moderate your speed as needed, and be prepared to correct for inevitable minor fishtailing (which is actually quite fun once you're good at being prepared and correcting for it).

I really suspect that this mess in Atlanta comes down to driver skill. I think that drivers going to fast and not allowing appropriate stopping distances caused accidents which plugged roads basically. It's not plowing equipment (for 2 inches, HAH) or even salting/sanding/brining (again, like we don't get icy roads up here?) or vehicle equipment, tires, etc. Most of us up here drive with regular year round tires all the time. Don't even get me started on how unnecessary 4 wheel drive is, you can do 6+ inches of snow in 2 wheel drive just fine and 4 wheel drive does nothing to help you stop any faster which is really what the problem is 99% of the time, not needing more traction to get going.

Comment Re:MuseScore? (Score 2) 299

Parent is correct. Clearly, a lot of slashdotters don't know the difference between notation and DAW software. No, Reaper, Ardour, and Audacity are not notation programs. If notation is what you want the best F/OSS solution I've seen is MuseScore. I have completely replace Finale/Sibelius with this for my notation needs. Note that my needs are strictly for notation for printing though. I am not doing any MIDI creation from it so I can't speak to that. I don't believe it supports playing back with soundfonts (it includes the nasty MIDI patches mentioned in the OP). As an aside if you're really serious about making printed music look nice you should take a look at LilyPond though it doesn't have an editing GUI so it's more for your magnum opus rather than the quick and dirty song development more typical.

Comment Re:Miranda (Score 2) 768

Bingo. This is what I was thinking too. All the rules put in place DO eliminate pretty much every reason for a 5th Amendment but they also eliminate the usefulness of many other rights. For example, requiring police to have a warrant before searching absolutely benefits the guilty more than the innocent but you're not arguing to do away with search warrants. Almost all the restrictions on police power benefit the guilty disproportionately but they DO benefit the innocent as well and so that is the price we pay. If you want to create a set of rules like that you can basically justify unlimited police power, the "if it saves even one life we should do it" argument. See for example, the massive data collection being undertaken by the government.

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