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Comment Re:People are the problem (Score 1) 82

If he's untrained, he does not have the judgement to decide not to follow the instructions. If the instructions tell you to cut away the bra, you cut away the bra. If the instructions tell you to only cut away the bra in certain circumstances, you only cut it away in those circumstances. Charging him with sexual assault is only reasonable if he clearly went way beyond what the instructions told him to do.

It's not like creeps stand around with AEDs looking for women to save.

Comment Re:Kinda funny how taxes set back the internet (Score 1) 324

But if it's anything else, taxes are so great. "Pay your share!" Despite the fact that the government doing the taxing is just going to use those resources against you in the form of militarized police, warrantless wiretaps, and drone surveillance.

The problem here is not the principle of paying your taxes, but that you guys keep electing the wrong people into office and don't punish them for giving you all that crap.

It doesn't matter what else you do. As long as you keep electing bad governments, you're going to get bad governance. Nothing is going to fix your problems until you fix that.

Comment Re:The mention of Valentina Tereshkova is ridiculo (Score 1) 200

Parent has it right. All early spaceflight was about political stunts. The USSR used it to send a positive political message: one of gender equality (well, Gagarin was still the first, but women weren't all that far behind). The US sent a negative one: only men get to go to space.

Comment Re:Eh (Score 2) 200

Isn't the lesson to use the best people regardless of gender? In which case, why should she go instead of someone more qualified?

When she was tested, there weren't many that were more qualified. She should have been part of the Mercury 7.

Sending her now, well, it wouldn't make sense in a role more suited for someone younger, but if she could be sent as part of aging research, like John Glenn was, then that'd be great. But mostly the article laments that a great talent was denied something she'd have been perfect for because of stupid sexist notions from the 1950s.

Comment Re: I don't follow (Score 1) 370

I'm certainly no fan of Helvetica either. I actually prefer Google's Roboto. Roboto got criticized for having too many variations in how to handle some shapes, but it's those variations that make characters easy to distinguish. In Helvetica, everything looks the same and letters start to blend together in dense text. It's pretty, sure, but it's not the most legible.

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