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Comment Re:the "copyright infringement is stealing" argume (Score 1) 315

In the UK we are also subject to adverts featuring "Knock Off Nigel" who lives in some sort of alternative world where his co-workers dress in ridiculous clothes, appear to spend their time gadding about the office like big gay workshy drama queens singing, and "ridicule" Nigel for offering them copies of movies.

Obviously back in the real world anyone behaving like Nigels would be detractors would be laughed out of the office down to the bike sheds where they'd be given a damn good thrashing.

Comment Re:How deep? (Score 1) 725

And thats the really weird bit, drugs appear to be sold in the US in the metric system and, from my obviously extremely limited and second hand knowledge of the subject are often sold in the UK in the imperial system, even though we are supposed to be metric here.

I think the selling of drugs is one area which is more suited to the imperial system purely because splitting them up is a lot easier in imperial.

Comment Re:How deep? (Score 5, Interesting) 725

It's actually a really irritating system we have here in the UK, in school during the 80's we were taught soley in the metric system so I still have no instinctive understanding of what a farenheight, a gallon, a league or a fathom actually are and yet some of these measurements are still pretty much in general use as are pounds, ounces & stones.

In my car I can view my petrol consumption in miles to the gallon or litres to the kilometer but the fuel which goes into the fuel tank is measured in litres and the odometer shows only miles so there is no way to make a simple comparison without having to work out between the two sets of measurements.

I wish the UK would make up it's mind one way or another properly and then stick to it !

Comment Re:Why so down? (Score 1) 258

Not only slavery and capital punishment for most crimes but also paedophilia was rampant as was casual murder, rapings, slaughterings, sackings, bestiality, whippings, beatings, maulings and worse.

Those ancient people have a long way to go before they are as advanced a society as us today ( around 2000 years to go )

Comment Re:Why so? (Score 1) 389

The only people who commonly say that "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit" are typically those who are too stupid to appreciate the irony of any given situation or those who have such a narrow and specific world view they are unable to appreciate anything which falls outside of it.

Most normal people realise there isn't actually a universal scale of wit and particular types of wit aren't restricted to a particular band on this nonexistant scale because the nonexistant scale doesn't exist.

Comment Re:The problem with these studies (Score 1) 439

I'd say it most definitely was dangerous driving, people on mobiles don't just randomly speed up and slow down they also tend to drift between lanes and generally behave unpredictably which is problem when most drivers base a lot of their decisions on what they think other cars might be doing rather than what they are actually doing.

Comment Re:Raises lots of questions (Score 1) 785

War has always been nasty horrible and messy for those involved in the fighting but what's really missing is a facility for making it nasty, painful and horrible for those who decide having a war is a good idea but don't do any of the fighting.

The Courts

Submission + - Enderle Explains His Motivations Over SCO Affair (tgdaily.com)

CmdrGravy writes: "Anyone following the SCO saga from the beginning will probably be familiar with the writing of Rob Enderle who was in the early days a key supporter of SCOs claims. Now that SCO is heading swiftly towards bankruptcy and their claims have been completely debunked Rob has offered an explanation, if not an apology, of his involvement in this sorry affair.

You can read Robs explanation here yourselves.

What he seems to be saying is that his primary motivation for supporting SCO is a dislike of Linux supporters who attacked one of his articles written at about the same time as the SCO saga kicked off. Despite having some doubts about SCOs claims he felt he needed to stick up for them because on the one hand he though Linux supporters were a bunch of criminals and on the other he thought Groklaw was misleading people and misrepresenting the facts surrounding the case.

Whats missing from the article is any apology at all from Mr Enderle for failing to research his subject and calling the result so wrongly or any apology to Groklaw who were clearly not misrepresenting anything and predicted the actual result of the case perfectly."


Submission + - WTC Demolition Theory Collapses

CmdrGravy writes: "A engineer from Cambridge University has hammered another nail into the coffin of conspiracy theorists who believe the World Trade Centre collapse could only have been caused by a controlled explosion.

Using a mathematical model Dr Keith Seffen has proved that once it was begun by the, well studied, structural failures caused by the planes impact and subsequent inferno the following collapse and pancaking were inevitable, his models showed that once begun the collapse would take around 9 seconds — only a little longer than a penny dropped from the top floor would take to fall to the ground.

Dr Keith sums up his experiment by saying

"In all senses, the collapse sequence was quite ordinary and natural. The World Trade Centre towers were designed to absorb an aircraft impact, but an accidental one with much less fuel and speed. It is widely acknowledged that the impacts on September 11th were extraordinary, which led to consequences well in excess of the design capacity for the buildings. The original design of both towers must be praised for standing as long as they did, saving more lives than might have been expected.""

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