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Comment Simpler & cheaper to use someone else's (Score 1) 266

I 3D print from time to time but I use one of the mail order services. They provide far more material and printer options, and have the in-house expertise to keep them operating smoothly. If they make a bad print it's their problem, and they'll make another. For me it's been far more cost effective and simpler than buying my own, which is guaranteed to become obsolete in short order.

Comment Re:In case you were wondering... (Score 1) 310

I predict next winter is going to be colder than next summer.

Now tell me I just made that up out of thin air.

Also, no one in the 1970s predicted we'd be in an ice age right now, that's actually a good example of something that was "made up". If you disagree, provide a citation.

This sort of thing is why the "skeptics" are generally considered a bunch of complete ignorami by anyone with a brain.

Comment Re:Yes, but not because it's a bad idea (Score 1) 507

It violates the KISS principle. From my understanding of it, Agile is an attempt to pipeline the development process. A good idea in principle, but except for me (one time hardware guy turned systems guy then app guy), the entire rest of the team's history are application programmers, QA and doc people who wouldn't know a pipeline if they were flushed down it. So it ends up being a mini waterfall every sprint, because that's as much as they're able to comprehend.

Comment Re:No. (Score 5, Interesting) 507

I also have to agree but for different reasons. What I've experienced is Agile as excuse for micromanagement. Projects take much longer than they used to because we now agonize in meeting after meeting over details that used to be left to the developer to decide. Agile is a recipe for managing programmers fresh out of college perhaps, but most I work with aren't those, and they work better when you trust them with more of the detais and have management worry about the bigger pictures instead...

Comment Wait a minute... (Score 0) 301

Given the paper's subject matter was gender bias, isn't it legitimate to expect they get opinions from both genders in the process? How do we know the paper itself isn't gender biased? That's like a paper saying that African American's experiences are invalid, written by only white authors-- wouldn't a valid critique of that be that they might want to include some opinions from African Americans?

Comment Re:Quit LinkedIN (Score 2) 227

Without even signing up for Linkedin I could tell they were a spam factory. I was getting incessant sign-up emails because a friend was listed and made the mistake of giving them emails of his friends. I yelled so loud I think Linkedin must have put me on their blacklist, as I've not seen a peep out of them since, and that was several years ago. Recruiters are just another form of telemarketer. I remember a good one or two back in the 1980s, but if they still exist they're well hidden. Fortunately, I've been around so long I have no need for such foolishness-- I know enough people now if I were to need it, I can find out about good jobs via word of mouth or personal email. Certainly any place that only wants fresh grads is going to be a place only an actual fresh grad would ever want to work, and even then only long enough to build up a resume.

Comment Re:Invest in workers (Score 3, Insightful) 407

The companies I'm familiar with have resorted to only hiring the fresh-out-of-college, often at job fairs targeted at new college grads. This is because 1) they're cheaper and 2) you can abuse them and they won't know the difference. This is, essentially, policy at some companies. And the corporate offices of these are often in red states that don't have any kind of rules against it. Combine that with management who thinks periodic cheerleading meetings where everything is couched in sports metaphors is the way to motivate people, and you realize that except for the communications technology, business operations sophistication and product quality has devolved to the level that hasn't been common since about 1920.

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