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Comment Re:Slightly Sensational (Score 1) 434

Where was that in the patent? I saw icon replacement and switching but not displaying an application list alongside call controls:

Sorry, you are correct. I was looking for differences between Claim 1 and Claim 19 and got lost in the language (the apparent difference being that 1 is the method and 19 is the interface for doing so). The reading of these things is almost painful. Does the patent office really require that you explain how a computer works and cross-reference every major wireless and communication protocol to describe a UI feature, or does it simply help to "bury the headline" thus increasing the chances of approval?

Comment Slightly Sensational (Score 3, Interesting) 434

This patent covers two items that I am not familiar with today.

1) The application list is displayed alongside the call controls so that you have immediate access to call functions while browsing applications.

2) Applications become call-aware and offer a button to change back to the "phone application" somewhere in the interface.

Android doesn't implement these features, and they are not entirely desirable anyway. I'd much rather have a single interface to accessing applications (hit the home button and then use the shortcut I'm familiar with), and I prefer to have a link to the phone call in the notifications where it is always available.

So a little sensational, but the patent doesn't cover ground-shaking ideas.

Comment Re:Its all about the latency... (Score 1) 143

I was going to suggest that you check out SPDY as another approach for improving latency of deeply-nested content, but it turns out that Amazon Silk actually uses the protocol in addition to any "cloud rendering" they have in the background.

I would have thought that high latency cell connections would have pushed us toward a pre-loading, single connection approach already, but apparently it's difficult to get the entire Internet to change...

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