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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 4 declined, 1 accepted (5 total, 20.00% accepted)


Submission + - Google Earth used by terrorists in Inda attacks (

Thor writes: "'The terrorists who attacked various locations in southern Mumbai last week used digital maps from Google Earth to learn their way around, according to officials investigating the attacks.

Investigations by the Mumbai police, including the interrogation of one nabbed terrorist, suggest that the terrorists were highly trained and used technologies such as satellite phones and the Global Positioning System, according to police.' the IDG News Service reports.

What are the moral implications of this? Does Google bear any indirect responsibility? What other modern-day tools could terrorists use to carry out such attacks? Could Google somehow help prevent future attacks, and what consequences would this have for privacy?"


Submission + - Organizing your files

Thor writes: "Over the years, a significant number of files have accumulated on my hard drive. I am not a very organized person, and this has naturally materialized itself in how these files have been (dis)organized. I have a 'Backup' folder. I have a 'Backup' folder inside of the 'Backup' folder. I have a 'Stuff' folder with an older 'Stuff' folder inside of it. My desktop is completely cluttered with icons, which will eventually end up in the 'Stuff' folder. You get the picture.

I presume that other people have the same problem. Further, I optimistically presume that they must have solved it in some glorious way that I am tragically unaware of. What I'm (presumably) looking for is some piece of software that will do the grunt work of sorting through my files, perhaps by following some sort of ruleset, placing them in categorized folders. Perhaps some kind of Bayesian filtering with a training window popping up when I drop new files on my desktop?

NOTE: I am a fan of Linux, but due to various circumstances, I use Windows XP as my desktop OS."

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