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Comment Re:Why the assumption.... (Score 1) 309

I don't think you understand what "voting with your wallet" means, because it's exactly what you are doing when you choose to order online rather than buy locally for any reason. It doesn't matter if that reason is price, convenience, merchandise selection, political views, or anything else. You are choosing which business receives your financial support, and will therefore be more successful. That is fundamentally what voting with your wallet is.

And if you don't think that people choosing to spend their money online rather than at a local retailer is a problem, then why are you complaining about it?

Comment Re:Earnings reports are in XML now. (Score 1) 29

Here's the raw XML behind that data. Turning that into verbiage isn't that hard.

Not hard, but does it actually make sense to do so? Serious question, since I don't read the reports in question, but if they're so standardized it would seem like it would be easier for everyone involved to just stick with a tabular format of some sort, rather than trying to translate it into a "written" report.

Comment Re:wtf does baseball have to do with anything? (Score 1) 265

But... they do!

A Brazillian refers to himself as American if using the english language.

It's kind of amusing that your link starts with the assertion: "America is the name of a whole continent."

Which is, of course, incorrect. There is no continent called America.

Comment Re:wtf does baseball have to do with anything? (Score 2) 265

As much as I hate "USian", what's the preferred alternative? American? America isn't a country, it's a pair of continents. Argentinians are no less American than New Yorkers are. Argentinians are no less American than New Yorkers are.

Nobody uses the term "American" to refer to a resident of one of the two American continents. That would be as dumb as referring to somebody as a "Eurasian", or an "Afro-European." Argentinians aren't "American;" if you insist on referring to them as residents of a continent, then they are "South Americans."
The "USian" name is an attempt by the PC brigade to solve a problem that doesn't actually exist. In English, the term "American" when applied to a person always refers to citizens of the United States of America.

Comment Re:Buying a car (Score 2) 455

Craigslist can get you a great deal on a used car: if you're going to buy one as-is, there's no need to pay the dealership markup. With that said, in my area the Craigslist listings for vehicles is packed mostly with unlicensed dealers who are masquerading as private parties. Some of them are even blatant enough to line up several cars they have for sale and photograph them all at once.

I would be wary of this sort of activity, since there's no telling where these people get their cars. For all I know, they could be buying junkers, putting a coat of paint on them, and flipping them. The best way to avoid these dealers is to:

  • Run a search on the phone number / email address and see if it appears in any other for-sale listings
  • Look for listings with similar wording
  • Check an NVMTIS provider to see how long they have owned the vehicle
  • When you call, inquire about "the car" they have for sale—if they ask, "which one?" walk away.

With that said, the existing dealership industry has every incentive to try and block smaller competitors. A major campaign to eliminate these unlicensed dealers is backed by a group which "manages access" to wholesale auctions to shut out buyers who aren't licensed car dealers. Presumably, if a smaller outfit could buy cars from one of these auctions, they'd be just as good as the ones a car dealership would sell.

When you get down to it, a car is a major purchase which carries with it an amount of financial risk that is difficult to quantify, or know, before you buy. They're typically sold by scum of all flavor who don't really care what you get stuck with. After all, why would someone sell a perfectly good car? If I was given a choice, I would rather not own a car.

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