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Comment Re:Why..... (Score 1) 259

I completely agree. I wasn't trying to say how it should be, just how law defined how they decided what you owed. If you have no profits locally you owe nothing. The "see-no-profits" game is a completely different bullshit loophole. They should get rid of income tax and increase sales/property tax to compensate or use something like the APT tax.

Cosmologists Show Negative Mass Could Exist In Our Universe 214

KentuckyFC (1144503) writes The idea of negative mass has fascinated scientists since it was first used in the 16th century to explain why metals gain weight when they are oxidized. Since then, theoretical physicists have shown how it could be used to create exotic objects such as wormholes and the Alcubierre warp drive. But cosmologists' attempts to include negative matter in any reasonable model of the cosmos have always run into trouble because negative mass violates the energy conditions required to make realistic universes with Einstein's theory of general relativity. Now a pair of cosmologists have found a way around this. By treating negative mass as a perfect fluid rather than a solid point-like object, they've shown that negative mass does not violate the energy conditions as had been thought, and so it must be allowed in our universe. That has important consequences. If positive and negative mass particles were created in the early universe, they would form a kind of plasma that absorbs gravitational waves. Having built a number of gravitational wave observatories that have to see a single gravitational wave, astronomers might soon need to explain the absence of observations. Negative mass would then come in extremely handy.

Comment Re:Primaries themselves are bullshit (Score 1) 932

Exactly, allow anyone who meets certain criteria to run (so we don't have 300 names on a ballot) but do not force only 1 Republican, 1 Democrat, 1 Green, etc. Also, stop allowing money contributions; public funds only so everyone is on the same level playing field. Hell, stop listing their party affiliation altogether; list their viewpoints on major key issues (a touchscreen so you can scan through each candidate would be nice but a reference packet you can borrow would work as well). We should be doing everything we can to limit people just dumping money into a race and washing their competitors out of the public consciousness, attacking to excess (like Cantor tried to do), or not being able to effectively run against someone for not being rich as well as not allowing people to just walk in, search for the one R/D/G, choose blindly, then say "good enough." People should be informed and we shouldn't be helping them be lazy.

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