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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 13 declined, 2 accepted (15 total, 13.33% accepted)

The Courts

Submission + - New York Teenager sues Record Industry.

Conor Turton writes: From The Inquirer

A New York teen, dubbed a pirate by the Record Industry, is counter suing them for defamation, violating anti-trust laws, conspiring to defraud the courts and making extortionate threats.

TRobert Santiagos legal team have demanded a jury trial and are filing a counterclaim against the companies for allegedly damaging the boy's reputation, distracting him from school and costing him legal fees. The record companies have engaged in a wide-ranging conspiracy to defraud the courts of the United States, the court documents say. Competitors in the recording industry are a cartel acting together in violation of the antitrust laws by bringing the piracy cases jointly and using the same agency "to make extortionate threats ... to force defendants to pay", our precocious teen wrote.

Robert Santiago is the son of Patti Santiago who the RIAA dropped the case against when they found she couldn't actually even turn on a PC.

The full article here
Operating Systems

Submission + - Why Linux is not an option.

Conor Turton writes: From The Inquirer , an excellent article illustrating why Linux will never be an option for most people. This is a follow on to another story on The Inq showing why Product Activation will kill Microsoft and push people to Linux . As the author points out, the rant against Microsoft's Product Activation completely misses the point — that 90% of PC users will never open their PC and use it until it dies at which point they'll just go buy another so product activation will never be an issue.

It seems to me that this is the massive point that Linux advocates seem to not understand when bleating on about Product Activation.

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