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User Journal

Journal Journal: MeshAP on my wierd low mem laptop

I still couldnt get the meshAP cd to load up on my laptop with 64MB of ram, a fujitsu Lifebook E330. The system doesnt finish booting because the initrd is apparently too large for the 64MB of ram available on the system. I think the problem arises because the laptop is using some of the system memory for the video card or something.

However I was able to figure out what image the flasher cd loads by mounting the cd's initrd in a loopback interface.

It uses a file called reflash.bz2 and loads it to the drive by running:

bzip2 -d reflash.bz2 > /dev/hda

I think I can write this file to the laptop using a gentoo install cd. I can pull the file over NFS from my main Gentoo box.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Even with distcc Gentoo never compiles fast enough

I am honestly never satisfied with compile speeds. When I had just one 450mhz nothing compiled fast enough, kernel compiles took over an hour, and everything was just well.. slow.

Now I have two 1.8ghz machines running distcc and a few slower, including the old 450 k6-2. I can generally compile a kernel is 10 minutes or less, but I am still unsatisfied.

Part of the problem is that as I get more capacity I try to do more. One would think that the logical solution would be to try to do less, but that isnt any fun either because I would fill my spare time with other things to do with computers, which puts me back in the same boat.

Thank god I got married before I reached uber-nerd status, I honestly dont think any CS major should wait past sophomore year to start trying to find a permenant mate, especially if you are into Linux.

Sidenote: Bastard UCF campus police gave me a 20$ ticket for parking in a faculty spot at 6pm. There wasnt even anyone there.

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