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Comment Re:Was it really so bad? (Score 1) 392

> church...index cards and toilet paper

Exactly. Those xians are so stupid as you note. They are all racist and want to murder us minorities. That is the way of their kind. They flood the streets with guns to kill young black men, and they know that by denying them ER care that more of us will die. That is their ultimate plan. They are denying us healthcare in order to kill us.

I... think you're focusing on a minor bigotry of the GP, which was not really related to his main point.

Comment Wow... (Score 5, Insightful) 232

Is FDD here to stay?

It seems like you're extrapolating from that experience, to thinking "FDD" is a current trend. AFAIK it's not. A small number of dysfunctional shops like that has virtually always existed. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you've only been doing software development for a few years, so you're working from a limited sample size.

I have been in a few jobs where the managers were verbally and/or emotionally abusive. In both cases I left ASAP.

Comment Re:The UK Cobol Climate Is Very Different (Score 1) 270

This has always puzzled me why some developers list this as a negative. What is wrong with wearing a suit?

They're expensive. They generally need dry-cleaning. Spilling stuff on them is expensive. They're typically less comfortable than some alternatives. They tend to be hotter in the summer than what I'd normally wear.

Every professional workplace has an expectation of a formal atire.

Either you have an unusually narrow definition of "workplace", or your statement is just factually incorrect.

Comment Re:Great idea! Let's alienate Science even more! (Score 1) 937

I think you may be missing my point. Let me illustrate with a scenario:

Doctor: I think you have long cancer.
You: That's an extraordinary claim, I want proof.
Doctor: Sorry, you're not my patient. I don't have time to talk.

Do you ignore what he said because he made an extraordinary claim and wouldn't meet some particular burden of proof?

Comment Re:Great idea! Let's alienate Science even more! (Score 1) 937

If you claim that the existence of god or gods is a truth, it is incumbent on you to show that it is indeed a truth. Otherwise, you're just blowing smoke. Assertions are simply opinions.

So how does that work then? If you tell me something that's true, but you can't be bothered to try persuading me of it, shall I flatly refuse to believe it? Regardless of the idea's underlying merit? I don't see how that policy is profitable.

Comment Re:Hollywood Logic (Score 1) 937

I believe it was the great Joel Hodgson and Josh Weinstein, who counselled us in such matters:

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes
And other science facts,
Just repeat to yourself "It's just a show,
I should really just relax
For Mystery Science Theater 3000."

Comment Re:Great idea! Let's alienate Science even more! (Score 1) 937

Those who understand how to correctly apply the scientfic method know that the burden of proof is on the person making the assertion (the alternative hypothesis).

I never really bought into this idea of "burden of proof". It strikes me as a rhetorical / debating tactic, rather than a part of good-faith truth-seeking.

If an assertion is true, then it's true regardless of who in a debate advances it.

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