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Comment Re:(Vorsicht vor den Vögel!) damn birds (Score 2) 150

A few university set-ups in Germany tried this, (e.g. Hamburg), albeit probably with far simpler specifications as it was some years ago. They had surprisingly frequent problems with birds; birds perching on the towers, birds flying between the source/sink, uzw. Packet loss got enough at one point to contact a local falconer to see if his bird of prey could scare them away. It turned out that the local bakery was too much of a draw. There was whimsical talk of adding a TCP/IP error for bakery janitorial events. I believe they eventually just went with fiber pulled through the sewers ..ja-da

Simple solution: Verstärken die Laser. :)

Comment Re:Yes, it could be much cheaper (Score 3, Interesting) 150

Fiber optic is trivial to tap. Almost as easy as analog phone lines.

Anything is easy to tap, at least in the U.S.

Step 1. Mislead a FISA court about the need. After all, those being tapped will never find out, let alone have a chance to contest the evidence. It's a secret.

Step 2. Find some ISP in the communications path, and hit them with a National Security Letter. Because, you know, fuck the Fourth Amendment. Threaten them with going to jail for even bringing up the issue in court. Again, because, well, fuck being the land of the free, since it's no longer the home of the brave.

Step 3. Do whatever you want. If it violates the law, you can count on some combination of sovereign immunity, prosecutorial descretion, and Presidential pardons to make sure you never face justice while on this earth.

Comment Re:ssh / scp / https maybe? (Score 1) 148

Snide answer: How about getting off your ass and actually going to the polling place to vote?

How do you know the person at the polling place is actually legally allowed to vote?

We could implement some sort of credentialing system.

I don't think Democrats would allow that. It's apparently racist.

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