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Comment Re:Heave to! (Score 1) 308

Your not drifting in the same direction (except maybe when in irons which is different).

When a sailboat is set in a heave to position, she slows down considerably and keeps moving forward at about 1 to 2 kts, but with a significant amount of drift.

Comment Re:Cruise Ship + Cantenna = ?? (Score 1) 308

That comment wasn't aimed just at you even if you weren't joking

I assume that a lot of non sailors have no knowledge of a sailboat's max speed being limited to a formula using hull length at it's waterline.

Probably many readers have no idea how fast some large ships can move as well.

Anyway most sail boat owners are too broke to afford any decent Internet access at sea :)

Owning a boat is like tearing up $100 bills in a cold shower.

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