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Comment Stupid people take a while to catch up is all (Score 1) 126

I have not listened to radio in years. I play music and podcast I enjoy when I what them. It is almost amusing to listen to them now in a store or a party and hear ads and idiot radio jocks.

Some of the radio shows I did like I only listen to the podcasts when I want. Hamish and Andy is one of them I will play for a laugh.

Comment Duh (Score 1) 560

So the atmosphere is getting more heat retention and our sun is getting hotter on its way to going red giant and swallowing us.

What did I miss ?

Call me in a few billion years. The trend will be more obvious than our stupid life spans we look at.

Comment Re:Not so sure about this... (Score 1) 252

That is because we have dinosaurs as options with old systems. How about some company make a secure OS so we can all forget dos and OS 9 and even unix.

At this point users need security not speed. PC's are faster than any average user needs. They're full of holes but that stupidity lets anyone in.

And i'm not talking about a company taking control of peoples devices to keep them save...Make a safe OS everyone can use thats open.

Comment Re:Does this go to those schools? (Score 1) 74

If our moronic governments wont build solar / wind and hydro power its good that corporations do.

Seems corporations can look long term while our governments say short sighted. No wonder our moronic governments are schooled by business as well.

It just the poor saps working and paying tax that get the short stick.

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