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Comment Re: Dry Heat: it is about acclimation. (Score 1) 155

30% is low. Back in the 70s in I'll, I would work in temps of 105 with 60-90% humidity. That was humid. And yes, it sux.
In addition, in the winter, it hit -40f. Most of the time, we would have -30 through -35 for 2-3 weeks at a time.
But I was acclimated to it.

After 3 years of moving to Colorado, I went to visit a friend in IL, in the middle of winter when temps were -20 to -25f. I wore the same clothes that I used to ( good down jacket, etc.). AND like always, never a hat. I walked for 20 mins in that and nearly lost my ears for that. Ears were black and it was touch/go if they were to be removed.
The body can handle extremes, but it needs to acclimate to it. without that , it is a killer.

Comment America needs to change as well (Score 0) 243

It is time to tax sales all over the states, based on where it goes to.
The easiest way is to have any out-of-state (or out-of-nation) delivery to add 10% to the sale. This is above and beyond the delivery.
Then the delivery entity gets to keep 10% of that (or 1% of the total sales) for handling this.
Then the 9% is delivered to the state, along with the address of where item was delivered to. From there, the state breaks it apart into state, county, locality.

If every state will agree with this, it is actually EASIER AND CHEAPER to the business than trying to calculate the taxes based on the address.

And it is LONG past time for America to tax delivered items.

Comment Re:WSJ is owned by NewsCorp now, right? (Score 0) 231

Read this link..

You MIGHT learn something.

Although your addle-brained Fox Derangement Syndrome doesn't correlate well with intelligence.

How funny. You did not learn. He was actually accurate in saying that. But you accuse him of a personal attack, when in fact, it was not. It might be an attack by association, but that is something totally different. However, the fact is, that WSJ is owned by murdock and has turned from conservative to loony tunes since that time.

Comment Re:LOL; What a fucking bozo you are (Score 1) 268

Oops on 1. It was roughly 1980 when America started to emit more CO2 than Europe. Prior to that, Europe emitted more.

I stand by #2, based on the above. You can see that starting in 2008, America's emissions started dropping, and has continued since that time. More importantly, it will continue for the next 4 years, if not longer. And here is EIA saying that much more will close. And IER thinks that 72 GW of 321 GW of coal plants are going to shut down before 2020. Note that Coal plants account for about 3/4 of electricities CO2 emissions in America. Shutting down that 72 GW, which are the worst, will take out roughly 1/4 of that CO2 of Electricities CO2 emissions.

This data from Europe, shows that America's data starts in 1992 at 5.0. hits highest point was 2007 (5.9 billion tonnes) drops to 5.3 in 2013. Likewise, Eu28 data start in 1992 at 4.3 and then sits at it until 2007, where it also drops to 3.7.
Sadly, this article does not do justice to the amount of emissions that Europe kicks out, but the map in it shows how much is really coming out of Europe AND CHINA.

And as to 4 above, that stands on its own. Again, OCO2 shows how much China emits, which is far far more than is generally admitted since Chinese leaders are lying.

and you can look up 5 and 6, or even think about it. China's emissions from 1850 on, exceed America's total. And considering that China and Europe have been burning coal for multiple millennium as well as have been the most populated areas of the world for the last milenium, it makes sense that they account for the majority.

Comment LOL; What a fucking bozo you are (Score 1) 268

People like you LOVE to point fingers at America as being the main one here causing this.
1) back in 1992 when we found out about this, Europe's yearly total emissions were actually MORE than America's and had been for a LONG TIME. Europe's gas tax is what brought down Europe's emissions, not the poltics.
2) During the time of W, America did NOT cut back, however, for the last 6 years, we have cut back because of 3 reasons:
a) cheap nat gas here, combined with cheap wind. Both of these are much cheaper to do than coal.
b) W delayed regulations on mercury until 2017. Now it is taking effect and many coal plants have shut down, with more to come.
c) O's regulations are taking hold and is preventing future coal plants, as well as some nat gas plants, and leading towards more AE, along with nukes.
3) America's emission are today BELOW 15%, and dropping. China's emission are estimated at around 33% of global emissions, rising, and that is without data from OCO2.
4) OCO2's emissions PROVE that China's emissions are much higher than anybody elses.
5) Not only is China's yearly emissions double of America's, but as of THIS YEAR, their TOTALED emission from 1850, is greater than America's.
6) And in terms of total emission for the last millennium, China's is greaters than Europes, but both are MUCH MUCH greater's than all of the America's COMBINED.

Yet, idiots like you will focus on 1 nation, rather than focusing on the nation that accounts for more than 40% (OCO2's date is going to prove that China has lied about their real emissions), or the fact that Europe's total emissions is much much higher than America.

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