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Comment Re:Good point about gas. (Score 1) 261

I agree with much of what you say. Nat gas is CHEAP, and that is what made this happen. O had NOTHING to do with shutting down a SINGLE coal plant up to this point. Interestingly, W's regs on stopping mercury emissions by 2016, has accounted for shutting down more than 1/3 of these coal plants.
If EPS's new regs go in effect, then yes, more coal plants WILL close down, but more importantly, no more new coal plants will be built (that is NOT a bad thing).
I agree with you about nukes. Obama has it right when he says, that our energy policy needs to be ALL OF THE ABOVE. While I am opposed to burning coal directly, I think that we should fund coal=>methane, and sell it to our western allies.
Likewise, we need to help move our commercial vehicles to nat gas serial hybrids and passenger cars to electric.
And while I like wind, solar, etc. we need more sources. That needs to include Nukes.
Oddly, all of the far left screams about nukes and storage and yet, we have the ability to burn this up CHEAPLY AND SAFELY.

So frustrating that the far right and left are destroying America.

Comment Re:Innocent as Acid Snow (Score 1) 261

First off, lets skip the analogy with a trash tv show. Not everybody rots their mind with such trash.

Secondly, it was China's dropping of their regulations, combined with raising MASSIVE amounts of import tariffs that actually causes many companies to go to China. It is NOT that the west has heavy regs. In fact, America's regs are LESS than the rest of the west, and yet, it was from our nation that many companies fled. Why? Because the neo-cons provided tax incentives to make them go.

Comment Re:Funny (Score 1) 261

None of the figures above actually account for outsourcing manufacturing to China from the US and EU. In that light the Western country's CO2 production is much and China's lower.

This lack of logic always cracks me up.
It is the same worthless logic as saying that a women in a miniskirt deserved to get raped, or when you charge the rape victim for services rendered.

Comment Why? (Score 1) 261

Right now, on a per capita basis, America emits less than 2x per capita than what China does. In addition, while China's emissions grow yearly, America's drops. In addition, once OCO2's numbers are out there, it is very likely, that America's numbers will drop some, while China's will be more than America.

Based on the numbers that you show, I would think that it reflects on China's inefficienies, not America's.

Comment uh, that was 5 years ago (Score 1) 261

The fact is, that US's economy has recovered and continues to grow, and yet, the CO2 emissions continued to drop (but in 2013, it stablized). So, yeah, for 1-2 years out of nearly 6, the economy figured in. BUT, what REALLY mattered, is that we have been switching to nat gas while killing our coal plants. We did that while nations like China was building 2 new coal plants PER WEEK, and germany continues to grow THEIR coal usage.

Comment Almost the right approach. (Score 1) 261

You mention the import tax, and that is ALMOST the right way.
Instead, America (in fact, all nations), should to a 'vat' tax on all goods based on where parts come from. Basically, tax the good for where it is the worst nation.
In addition, we need REAL CO2 numbers, not fake ones. As such, OCO2's numbers should be used. It will give us a clear pix of what nation is polluting and at what levels within the next 6 months.
Finally, normalization based on CO2 per capita is the worst idea going. Instead, it should be based on CO2 per GDP. Co2 emissions is NOT tied to ppl, but tied to business. In addition, by tying it to real GDP, it means that any nation that wants to cheat by lowering their money vs. others to get manufacturing, will pay a higher tax elsewhere, which will drop their exports.
OTOH, if they allow their money to float, and they focus on keeping their emissions low, then they end up being rewarded by not having a tax on their exports.

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