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Comment Re:After 42 yrs programming I say... (Score 1) 430

But I'm Decameron! ;-)

And yes I understand what you're saying. Given how you mentioned that writing clear and readable code is important no matter what coding standards you have, I also suspect we may not even think that differently (even if my initial statement sounded a bit more black vs white that I wanted).

One of the coding standards that I require from my teams (whenever the decision falls on me, of course) is to write self-documenting code, and avoid abbreviations as much as possible (among other requirements, but not that many). Usually just enough rules to guide an inexperienced dev towards writing more readable code - better code's another story of course.


Comment Re:After 42 yrs programming I say... (Score 1) 430

Well my argument to man of mister e and first reply to Decameron are two different arguments.

My argument to man of mister e, was simply to imply that using features in your diff program can help you ignore meaningless differences in styles.

My argument to Decameron was in reply to his blanket statement that "the reason why coding styles exist is that they increase the readability of your code." This is an absolute statement about the nature of coding styles, which is factually incorrect, as I have demonstrated by personal experience as well as well known failures from the daily wtf.

I can definitely meet you half way there - I agree that bad coding standards suck (too precise, too complex, unreadable syntax), and make the code a mess. I'm speaking out of experience as well, working in all kinds of projects. Some of them had some pretty awful coding standards that didn't improve readability at all. But I was talking about the _purpose_ of standards. I still stand by my statement that the purpose why they exist is to make the code more readable - even if some implementations suck.

Think of it as something along the lines of: "the reason why testing is important is that it helps you find bugs". Bad testers don't invalidate that statement.

Comment Re:After 42 yrs programming I say... (Score 4, Informative) 430

Not sure if you are being serious with your point or not due to your case changes, but I will bite.

Just because a style is standardized doesn't mean your code is more readable using that style. In fact a lot of the styles expected of me made my code less clear, and when I chose to ignore them, my code was never touched in code reviews, because everything was clear and intuitive without conforming directly to the style.

If you personally like clear / readable code, then no standard will ever be a replacement for you.

You're missing the point. I am not claiming a particular coding style is superior, I am claiming a standard coding style across the whole code base is good - personal preferences aside.

PS: I'm talking about basic stuff here, such as having standards on how to name variables, constants, camel case?, self documenting code?, etc.

Comment Re:People just doesn't get it (Score 1) 536

Trying to select a language that makes up for poorly written code is a fool's game. A well written program doesn't NEED an error handler. This is nothing but poor programmers whining because they can't write good code. It's kind of like unemployed people whining because the jobless benefits aren't long enough.

Sorry but that can only come from a lack of experience. No offense intended, but your point of view is extremely naive.

For instance: you should use assertions to detect coding errors within your module / your scope of trust (app makes a call to another method in the same app), and other traditional mechanisms outside that scope, when distrust is needed (app shouldn't trust server & vice-versa, app shouldn't trust user input, library shouldn't trust app, config files should never be trusted to be properly formatted or have valid data, etc). If you blindly trusted all components from ever failing, you would be letting an eventual error in one component propagate to all other components. This basically translates to unhappy clients calling you at night because your app is crashing, and you finding out hours later that someone unplugged the server or put a bad configuration value somewhere.

Comment Re:What does it all mean? (Score 1) 305

Now, now. Your assumption of validity is subjective, sorry. It's objectively better, because it's optimal: energy efficient, time efficient, transparent and pragmatic. And makes one look clever rather than dependent. Self-reliance FTW.

Once again, you're assuming others share your viewpoint that less human interaction is better. Google searches don't make you a better person. Being kind with replies does make you a better person.

Nope. Irony, sarcasm, even vitriol is an implicit part of the message. It is intended (rational) rather than inadvertent (emotional).

Still, it doesn't add anything good to the message, unless of course you're trying to transmit aggressiveness.

Comment Re:What does it all mean? (Score 1) 305

No, it's objectively the best thing to do.

We differ with some very valid points, so it's not objective, sorry.

Explain to me why it is good for the society to keep enabling, supporting or even tolerating the retarded part thereof?

Because what you're calling retarded is human interaction. You might not enjoy it, but others do, and even more in times when face to face interaction is being replaced by forums, chat rooms, etc.

Also even assuming someone makes a stupid question, being aggressive our ironic about it is not the right kind of behaviour. The same message can be delivered without those elements.

Comment Re:What does it all mean? (Score 4, Insightful) 305

Stupid questions from literate adults who obviously have Internet (thus Google) access ... they deserve the snide remarks they receive. When you consider he could have Googled "NPC" in less time than it took to ask a stupid question, the remark was actually rather polite.

Interaction with other humans is greatly underrated by intolerant nerds who think we should replace it with Google searches. There's absolutely no reason why you should first look for things in Google instead of asking them in a forum, other than your personal opinion that it's the right thing to do.

Ignoring the question, or replying to it would've been far more tolerant ways to react to the post.

Now then, go ahead and launch your personal attacks and invective. That's what those of your emotionally-goverened, offense-driven mentality usually do when the following two conditions have been met: a) they cannot formulate an effective counter-point, and b) they are too haughty to admit when a good point has been made.

You sound like a robot, man. Chill out.

Comment Re:What they are actually reporting an Issue. (Score 2) 320

Failure to recognize one's weaknesses is a sure way to fail. When a good number of people keeps telling you they reported errors and got treated as if they were stupid, ignoring them is just another confirmation for them to look elsewhere.

Companies have a human resources department for a reason.

Comment Re:Lazy Crap. (Score 1) 1184

Not sure it make me a fanboi, but I usually prefer Apple products to other brands - they just work better for me.

I keep reading about Apple fanbois hating the rest of the world, and I honestly believe you're wrong. I haven't read many posts from "Apple fainbois" backing up your position either.

In my particular case, I think this ruling truly sucks, I am all against patents being used this way. I don't want alternatives to disappear, I want a challenging market that keeps forcing Apple to remain competitive.

Comment Re:And in countries where it's legal? (Score 2) 498

Well, then you criminalize the actual CRIME - driving while impaired. You can't criminalize behavior that's not criminal. It's like saying you can't buy a car because it *might* be used in the commission of a crime. There are thousands of things that are already illegal that pretty much cover the bases - everything from reckless driving to child safety...these laws are perfectly capable of punishing real criminals instead of filling our prisons with responsible users.

Using the same logic, driving while impaired is only considered a crime because you may end up killing someone - hence we should decriminalize driving while impaired and only arrest people when they run over and kill someone - which is the real crime.

Prevention is the key word. The reason why drug usage (just as driving when intoxicated) is considered a crime is prevention.

Comment Re:Here we see the difference between Free and Sla (Score 3, Insightful) 424

If you are a Mac user, as a drinker of the Kool-Aid you have no choice.

I have been using Mac computers since 1989 and to this date I have found the OS to consistently improve over time. The only exception being OS 9, which kinda sucked. I'm speaking about my perception of their software of course, and implying others should share my opinion.

It makes no sense for me to believe it's better to switch to Linux out of fear of being let down in the future. I really have no reason to believe it will happen. Even if it did, moving my files to some other PC would not really be an issue for me.

My experiences with Linux weren't very happy ones either. I'm not trying to generalize but I've more than once found myself in a situation in which I've been told to fix something myself - which really is not something I'm interested in doing at all. I've got my dev projects and work, and I don't really care about improving the OS I use at home. Some of those issues were things that I know I can get working much easier in windows or mac (maybe due to experience on the OSes, that's not really important to me). My personal opinion on the subject is that Linux is not for me.

Going back to your idea about Mac users drinking Kool-Aid, I think you're failing to put yourself in other people's shoes. Maybe your principles regarding open source/free software vs commercial software are not as important to others as they are to you?

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