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Comment Not worth the effort (Score 1) 268

This is like asking if it would be possible to use floppy disk to retrieve a 1MB file, I (and others) don't see the point of your question,hard disk drives are a lot cheaper, substantially faster and a lot more reliable. The time is takes for the tape drive to boot up, get mounted to the OS file system and access the area where the file is located is ridiculously long.

Comment Polls (Score 1) 523

On a totally unrelated note, although related to the mass population: Poll finds that 54% of Americans believe that Iraq had WMDs Poll finds that 54% of Americans believe we are defending our country by being thousands of miles away in Afghanistan Poll finds that 54% of Americans believe the hijackers were from Iraq / Afghanistan Poll finds that 54% of Americans believe they actually vote for the president of the US Of course these numbers are made up, but you get the point...

Comment defrestation (Score 1) 318

Deforestation and the killing of wild animals faster than they can reproduce is the reason why water doesn't replenish quickly enough. Killing animals deprives their predators from food and so on, this affects the whole ecosystem in which these animals live. Deforestation prevents water from remaining in the soil and so on.

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