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Comment Re:Who cares.... (Score 1) 905

Maybe you should try using some of those "crappy" closed-source drivers. I've found that when the manufacturer makes drivers for Linux (closed or open source) they usually work better than the third-party open source versions. Being closed source does not make something crappy any more than being open source makes something crappy.

Comment Re:Leave Stallman alone *sobs* (Score 2, Informative) 905

Cedega is open source and you can even download the latest source from cvs but still transmeta is able to sell it.

I was curious about your example so I looked it up in wikipedia. This is what I found:

Cedega (formerly known as WineX) is TransGaming Technologies' proprietary fork of Wine . . .
. . .
Though Cedega is mainly proprietary software, Transgaming does make part of the source publicly available via CVS, under a mix of licenses.

Also note that the company is Transgaming, not Transmeta.

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