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Submission + - Challenging software development

ydrol writes: How do developers progress from fairly simple integration work — eg moving and manipulating data from one system to another in a typical corporate environment — to more challenging algorithm development. Over the years I've done the former, and the challenge was usually due to time , money or resources but the actual problem space was algorithmically simple — move data from here to there — reliably. How do people get out of that environment to work on more innovative things like the Google car etc. Has anyone progressed from a corporate integration programming environment to a more R&D based environment in their mid 40s? Whats it like? I'd like to think I would have excelled in my youth with less real world distractions, but not so sure now after years of 'dumbed-down' development.

Comment Re:No platform is 100 percent secure? (Score 1) 299

Also Linux security is traditionally viewed from the ability to infect system files on a mult-user machine, and it had long had a superior security model in this respect.
But todays users, really only cares about their own files , which are far more accessible to malware whilst surfing the net.

Comment No comparison for specialised searching... (Score 1) 405

I have a script that scans my media and tries to determine what movie it is based on its name by simply searching for the name in a search engine, and taking either the first imdb reference on the results page, or the most frequently occuring one.

  The idea is for users not be be forced to rename their movies but let the script harness the algorithms on the search engine to work it out.

In my testing Google beats both Bing and Yahoo easily for accuracy of searching and has less false positives. However too many automated searches will quickly lock out the IP address on Google. So now I search both Bing and Yahoo at the same time. If they disgree on the imdb reference, only then I search Google, to cast the deciding vote. This gives very accurate results, but not much more than if I could use Google alone.

Yahoo is behind Bing for accuracy in my testing. I though Yahoo signed a deal with Microsoft and were going to start using Bing 'technology' at some point. When they do my current method will become redundant.

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