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Comment Re:nature will breed it out (Score 1) 950

There comes a point where this get old. I went through my phase in my late teens with this, and realized I hated being in any kind of relationship like that. I don't find enjoyment in getting laid if there's no emotion in it.

Well, you pretty much have to play the game to attract them in the first place...we're speaking in generalities here of course, but you have to come off a certain way for the majority of women to notice and be interested in you.

Once you get past this barrier....and decide you want an emotional relationship with this woman, you can let down the guards a little and be more of yourself.

But the end, women, even in long term emotional relationships, in general, want a strong, assertive male presence. It seems to be in the DNA really.

If you become all wishy washy and can be walked over, often times a good long term relationship can start to fail from her end, if she see's you as less of a decisive male.

I'm just saying the two things are not mutually competitive. It takes a bit of playing the game to land one....and if it is a keeper, sure, have a deeper emotional relationship, be more of yourself and all....but don't quit being the man in the basic ways that attracted her to you in the first place.

And equal in the relationship, but as a need to pretty much always be just at least a tad more of the equal than her.

I think, personally (and again generalities here) that it is mighty hard to undo centuries of evolution and things burned into male/female DNA even though society has tried to make these recent (historically speaking) changes.

Comment Re:nature will breed it out (Score 1) 950

Women need to be taught to say what they mean and stop playing fucking games. If that happened the entire landscape would change.

Well, they really haven't changed much in that respect likely since the beginning of to give them what they seem to really want, not what the "say" they want as that in practice, it is rarely the same thing.

Comment Re:nature will breed it out (Score 5, Insightful) 950

Young men don't want to be walking wallets for greedy self-indulgent shrews to bilk. But that's increasingly what the modern woman foists offers them. We have a culture that's put women's desire for higher and higher status males into overdrive. We over-validate and over-reward women massively, and constantly shame and criticise young men just for being men. Education is entirely centred around girls and the workplace overtly discriminates against men - all based on nonsense claims that women are somehow oppressed.

What is needed, is to teach young men, how to get into the mindset of women, what they need to say, and how to 'project' themselves so they can get laid more.

Young men need to be taught it is a numbers game, Don't get hung up on one chick. When out, dress decently, be clean, and above all else, project confidence in yourself. You don't have to be that confident, just look at act that way. Act like you really don't give a shit if she wants you or a bit aloof.

They always want what is a bit tough for them to have. Take control of the situation, decide where you're going. Nothing wrong with being polite, opening doors, etc....but take charge.

When you do approach and start talking, just learn some simple tricks...get THEM to talk about themselves, about their family...what they want and what they do. That way you don't have to really do that much for the conversation. And trust me, NO woman ever left a date complaining that she talked too much about herself.

Simple steps like that are what makes it easy to get into her pants. And don't just target ONE girl. There are tons of them out there. Rejection can and WILL happen, but shrug it off and start to hit on her friend...hahaha. But seriously, just hit on as many as possible. And meet and approach women whenever and wherever you can. Outside of the bar scene is really choice. Simple as asking for the time, just approach, approach, approach.

And if you're shy, and everyone starts out that way. Just walk up to women during the day, ask for the time...just think of it as practice....just talk to them. It doesn't even have to be one you want for anything, just practice.

It isn't that hard, especially if you get over that feeling of "oh no, if she rejects me, I'll not know what to do the rest of my life.". Get a new mindset, hit on one you like, if it sticks have fun with it....if not, water off your back, she didn't matter...who's next?

I'm not saying be an ass...but don't be the overly willing to please guy that will do anything for her and lets her call the shots. If you do that, you may as well be her gay friend, 'cause she's not going to sleep with you. Women like a a bit of a challenge.

Comment Re:$30 (Score 1) 515

I generally use the AAA's research when filing my taxes. They say $8698/year.

Wow...WTF do YOU live where it is that freakin' expensive??

I don't pay nearly that much....even when I did have a car payment. Mine has been paid off now for about 4 years and even though I live in a VERY high auto insurance area (too many folks in NOLA don't have auto insurance, so you gotta pay high to make up for it)...I don't pay nearly that much a year for car ownership.

Comment Re:sampling bias (Score 1) 405

They need good pay because they have massive debts from education and need to pay insane rents.

Simple answer to that be willing to MOVE to where there are better paying jobs, in conjunction with lower rents.

That total cost of living thing is an equation to be worked out in life.

There are plenty of places in the US where the cost of living is VERY low, and while the salary might not sound $$$ an area with lower cost of living, it is easy to not only get by, but prosper on a technically lower salary in a low cost of living area.

There are places in the US where you can get almost a 2500 sq-ft home for the $220-$230K range for God's sake....

The day in age where you don't have to move for a job have long passed us. Are kids afraid these days to move too far from Mommy and Daddy?

Comment Re:sampling bias (Score 1) 405

"High paying job"? They "expect" not to be making less than the minimum wage their parents got, while working longer, harder, and being more productive than every generation before them.

That minimum wage job thing is really mostly a fallacy, in that most of those flipping burger jobs are not for the PRIMARY bread winner of a home, they are not the head of household. From what I've read, *most* people making minimum wage, are living in households making about $40-$50K a year, they are the kids with their first jobs.

We're not talking about that, we're discussing here people coming out of college, or even high school into the REAL workforce.....

Comment Re:sampling bias (Score 3, Insightful) 405

The latest generation works harder, for longer hours, with higher productivity, than any other generation before them and is the first generation in history to be worse off than their parents.

I don't seen that in the Mils I've run into. Perhaps for the generations just prior to them, I see the hard work still, etc...but the youngest ones just in the workforce the past 3-5 years, nope, they expect a high paying job and don't understand you have to work and COMPETE for the money and job.

Just my experience seeing the workforce I started in and quite a few subsequent ones coming in under me....the latest one has real problems.

Comment Re:sampling bias (Score 4, Insightful) 405

Old people are different than young people. Naturally, each group believes that the differences in question make them superior to the other group.

True in many ways....HOWEVER, this latest generation has been more coddled and has more of an entitlement attitude than previous generations. They seem to feel "owed" by society a job, and to be treated nicely and fairly. They are the generation of everyone getting a trophy just for showing up.

This was not something as prevalent in pevious generations, where when growing up, people DID keep score, there were winners and loser, parent spanked kids when they fucked up, neighbors had just as much a hand in disciplining kids in the neighborhoods as the parents....and kids grew up more independently than they do now.

Hell, my parents in today's society likely would have hand child services called on them...they spanked my ass when I was bad. They both worked and I entertained myself much more...I played with the other kids in the neighborhood. I often left the house (unescorted) during the summer in the morning and showed back up at home in time for dinner. I rode my bike and skateboard for miles away from home.

I didn't even have a cell phone, but was under orders to call in (when very young) every hour or so from wherever I was at a neighbor friends' home.

I played and LOST football games, I didn't always get congratulated JUST for trying. I got praise for winning. I had fun, I interacted with numerous friends in the neighborhood I grew up with and got praise for success and well, it sucked when I lost but I learned how to deal with it and deal with all types of people. I got my first job washing dishes at a restaurant when I was 16+ or so, and worked all during high school on weekends and some week nights, but had to keep my grades up to keep the job and enjoy that extra $$$.

Yes....every generation gets to a point where it doesn't understand the next one that well, but I think we have a bona fide GAP in how folks in the US have been raised in a very sharp and distinct manner with the mils.

Let's face it...the term "helicopter parent" is a very new term. And it is sadly accurate, and I think has had a very detrimental effect on this new generation of folks just growing up enough to set foot in the real world that doesn't really give a shit about your showing up. That is expected....

It is what you do after you show up that earns the dollars and you ARE in competition for real with everyone you are in the workforce with.

Comment Re:Boston fans... (Score 1) 225

Under-inflating footballs seems like less of an offense than deliberately trying to injure other team's players. I don't play football, but it seems comparable to a hitter using too much pine tar on a baseball bat, or a pitcher deliberately scuffing a baseball.

But the thing is....they had NO proof that Coach Payton had anything to do with it..or knowledge of it, and other high staffers, were banned for a year. I wonder if the Pats coach and likely even Brady who the report says "likely" knew about it..will get suspended/banned for a year?

Comment Re:One small problem (Score 1, Interesting) 509

When dealing with the police, avoid being black. This will greatly reduce your chances of being beaten, unlawfully being detained/arrested/searched, or otherwise having your other civil rights violated.

Well, I"m of the thought that there is a little preponderance to DWB, etc...but I don't think it is JUST being dark skinned that is the majority of the problem.

It seems to show that it is mostly black, in that an disproportionate amount of crime is perpetrated by black people, and many of the worst neighborhoods, poor and crime ridden are majority black / minority occupied, so this skews the stats a bit.

And, from many of the video's I've seen (and some experience viewed in person while living in New Orleans), many black people interact and react to the cops in a hostile manner right off to bat.

If a cop comes up to them, quite often you see the citizen immediately get confrontational, start cursing, etc.....that just escalates a tense situation on both sides.

I would posit that so many of these arrests and all would sharply drop if many of these folks interacted with the cops as I have when dealing with them. I stand very still, if asked to move or comply with doing something, I do it. I am quiet, I don't really talk to the officer unless specifically answering a direct question (if it is something not violating my rights). I address the officer as "Yes/No Sir/Ma'am" when responding to them. I am quiet, polite and as non-confrontational as I can possibly be.

Before I move to do anything (get something out of pocket or out of car, etc...I ask the officer if it is ok to do xyz....and wait till they say yes, and Imove very slowly, etc.

In other words, I give the officer(s) as little reason as possible to escalate things.

But when I see matter the color, get all excited and belligerent when dealing with the officer, I'm just think in my head. "well...they're going to jail".

I mean seriously, so this many folks need to go to a class how to deal with police, and talk and deal with people in general? This should be a no brainer....

The LAST person whose face I want to get into, is an police officer with a gun.

It is amazing what a "Yes Sir" and being calm will do for you....why is this so far for folks to figure out?

Comment Re:One small problem (Score 5, Insightful) 509

I mean, look -- there were a bunch of recent stories with suspects getting killed or beate...n

Well, I think ONE thing is pretty clear.

Don't RUN from the cops. The one common denominator from most of the recently publicized cop shootings of citizens, is that the citizen generally ran from the officer.

But one thing to do for sure...don't act like an ass, if you are (and you should) exerting your rights, do so in a calm, non-threatening fashion. Don't shout. Don't curse, use clear concise language. The "Am I free to go" statement is a very simple and very powerful thing to say and get an answer to.

If you don't give them a reason to beat you...99.999% of the time they are not. Yes, there are bad apples, but I don't think that is the majority. If you do not fight, resist, run or act an ass, chances are you are not going to be arrested or hurt. And if they DO arrest you....just face it, you are going to jail...don't resist, doing so give the cops a LOT of leeway in how they manhandle you.

Don't give them a reason to do abuse you, but also, you should always know and assert your rights.

Comment Re:*sigh* (Score 1) 101

What can I say?

I say "Sorry...but NO".

I mean, it is bad enough I gave them a CC number way back when to connect to the iTunes store (even though I've NEVER bought a song through them, nor an app)....but that's quite enough information on me.

I don't plan to give any DNA to anyone for the foreseeable future.

Both the government and private companies have WAY too much information on me to begin with...I'm not voluntarily going to give them more, especially on this level.

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