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Comment Re:But I love it when slides are read to me (Score 1) 327

Anytime I have to build a presentation in PowerPoint, I generally have comprehensive notes (with additional case studies and metrics) in the notes section. I generally take a printed copy with the additional notes to the presentation so I have a reference copy and I use the slides as topic agendas, maybe a chart or two for reference.

Comment Re:Why do this in the first place? (Score 1) 90

But at least they forced their CEO to resign because he voted against same sex marriage.

That is soooo not what happened. I'll never understand: If what Mozilla did was so wrong then why can't the people shaking their finger at them be honest about what actually happened?

He donated $1,000 to have ads like this produced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PgjcgqFYP4. We heard about it because his own employees raised the issue.

Saying he was forced to resign because of a vote he made is just plain dishonest.

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