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Comment Re:Complete access and indefinite support for free (Score 1) 650

IMO the "right" thing to do is either release the source or provide full API and file format specs. Also, if we are going to grant software patents as well as copyright, an "implementation" requirement should be added to the patent - (electronically) attach the source/specs to the patent. I don't thing corporate bean counters will like any of those options, but as someone who has spent 20+yrs developing commercial software I think they are "cutting their nose off to spite their face". Anyone who has ever pinpointed an unknown bug in someone else's proprietary O/S or application will know just how much time and effort goes into just finding the "other geek" in the different department/company who can understand what the hell you are talking about, let alone convince them it's a bug that needs fixing in their code. Fortunately we developers don't see much of that activity, just the delays, missed deadlines, and contradictory requirements that flow from it.

However it must be said that in cases where public safety is an issue suppliers board members, managers and "principle engineers" are often in the legal crosshairs if it can be shown they were "negligent" (eg:Y2K issues). The gaping hole in this approach is an ISO (or similar) audit once every few years is generally enough to get you off the hook. In my experience such an audit can be anything from a full day inquisition with detailed and relevant questions to "I was audited? When?"

OT: Truth be known most IT corporates would love to have a "developer pool" just like the old "typing pool", ie: cheap, replaceable cogs. I'm only 10yrs from retirement, so I doubt it will affect me personally, however IBM's "Watson" is starting to look like a viable way to send many relatively expensive "IT knowledge workers" to the unemployment scrap heap along side the secretaries, typists, telegraph operators, tea ladies, bank tellers, etc. Now may be a good time in history for ambitious young developers to become an expert in the "art" of developing/training expert systems such as Watson. .

Comment Re:Use != modification (Score 1) 245

Under current copyright law, Microsoft could make a good faith case

Ever heard of software "clean rooms"? - If a thousand monkeys did actually manage to recreate the windows source code they would not be infringing copyright, monkeys can't read so obviously they cannot be guilty of copying anything belonging to MS.

Comment Re:Malice (Score 1) 509

You might think they are making decisions like stupid morons, but very likely it is a calculated response Indeed, my point was that their calculations are based on a different worldview, one that equates informed and uninformed opinion. One of the key words in Sagan's quote is "knowledgeably".

Comment Re:Who? How? (Score 0) 196

Pro tip: Not that it applies here but I always taught my CS students to code "defensively" by making it a habit to put constants on the LHS of a comparison, because...
if ( constant=variable) - Throws a compiler error, cannot become an application bug.
if (variable=constant) - At best a compiler warning, at worst an application bug.

That was back in the early 90's, many compilers back then did not issue a warning for the second case because it's valid syntax. Nowadays most compilers will issue an explicit warning for assignment in a conditional expression. Still, it's a good habit to cultivate since compiler warnings can be ignored/missed by others but compiler errors can't.

Comment Re:Who? How? (Score 1) 196

who goes "oh, whatever, we'll just match against whatever?"

As someone else suggested it's probably debug code that found its way into production. It's not a lack of skill problem it's a process problem, code reviews should have picked it up but obviously didn't, how it got as far as customers is the question MS should be asking.

Comment Re:Don't bother. (Score 5, Insightful) 509

More depressing clips: A guy called ClimateBrad has a large collection of clips from US politicians doing their very best to make up their own facts and rules of logic.

Up until I reached my 40's I thought people like Senator Inhofe in the US and Tony Abbot here in Oz were uneducated, stupid, or more likely both. They are none of those things, they're just plain immoral by normal western standards when it comes to honesty (even the good ones). To paraphrase Shaun Micallef - "The media is called the fourth estate but behaves like a fifth wheel", like the political system it revels in conflict and is trained in the (in)humanities. If it can't find controversy in a story then it invents some (say) by equating a "one jump away" lobbyist's press release from one of their major sponsors to a meticulous scientific report. The Iraq war and "Climategate" are both prime examples of commercial media being worse than useless in clarifying a complex issue, particularly in the US.

The honest self-skepticisim required to be successful in the scientific and engineering world is a career killer in the political world. They have a different worldview that says everything boils down to an opinion, and all opinions are equal. Therefore social skills are more important than evidence and manipulation is more useful than reason. OTOH we have way too many Phd's in the hard sciences who have never stepped foot in a "Ph" class in their life and would not know Popper from Popoff.

Thing is, the political worldview is our natural behaviour, it's instinctual and we all do it to some degree almost works. Critical thinking is a learned behaviour that basically refines "common-sense" using agreed rules of evidence and logic, it is the foundation of The Enlightenment, a radical shift in human behaviour barely 500yrs old. It's unsurprising that it hasn't permeated to everyone in the modern world that the "age of reason" created with extraordinary speed over the last 50-100yrs.

"I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness..." - Sagan, Demon Haunted World (Science as a candle in the dark)

Comment Re:There's only one thing; (Score 4, Insightful) 257

Indeed, may I add one caveated to that, educate yourself on what the professional advises, read the labels and be aware of the side-effects of anti-anxiety pills such as Zoloft, mixed with regular alcohol I've seen at least 4 middle aged friends have their lives totally wrecked by that particular combination, two of whom ended up spending time in jail, not to mention the distress caused to their partners and kids. This is because we need some stress, it's the bodily signal that tells you what you are doing is wrong/dangerous, unfortunately I was too slow to make the connection in my ex-wife's behaviour to save my own 20yr marriage.

So my advise is seek professional help from a qualified psychiatrist who will probably recommend a good counsellor. Do not accept a script from an ordinary GP, ask for a referral to a physiatrist for a second opinion. Above all educate yourself enough about any drugs you are given, especially the unwanted side-effects that can be far worse than the anxiety attacks. Used properly the drugs are effective, I have more friends that have benefited from their correct use than have suffered from incorrect use.

Comment Re:it's true (Score 1) 353

Did this to my i5 about 18 months ago and was pleasantly surprised at the performance boost, it's now as responsive (and in some cases more so) than my i7. Having said that the SSD died after less than 6 months of use. It was replaced under warranty and has been running for about a year now, but the experience reinforced their reputation for poor reliability in my mind and I still don't quite trust it.

PS: The little tool bundled with windows that rates the performance of the PC is very handy, it tells you exactly where the bottleneck is in very simple terms and you would be correct in saying that on most machines it points to disk latency.

Comment Re:Politcs vs. Science (Score 1) 291

we don't take over places for strategic or tactical advantage

The post war history of Russia looks very similar. Sure you don't add territory, that would mean the conquered would have US constitutional protections. Rather they both install puppet regimes and pull the cash/power strings. Supposedly the cold war is over but if you look carefully many of the world's trouble spots are also points of disagreement between the veto wielding powers in the UNSC.

The democratic thing to do now is to let Russia have Crimea, that's what the majority of Crimea's people want. Do not create a new generation of exploding humans by punishing the ordinary people of Crimea in the same way the Palestinians have been punished for electing Hamas in overwhelming numbers.

Speaking of history, future text books will blame the Arab spring and in particular the Syrian civil war not on "social media" but on the preceding record drought years in the fertile crescent and across most of N. Africa. A drought that saw large internal displacements as people abandoned dry farms for work in the cities, cities that then saw food riots and social tensions between city dweller and refugee farmers. The leaked diplomatic cables will form part of the academic evidence and show how diplomats had worried about the tensions to the point of correctly predicting the city where the civil war ignited.

Of course once the shooting starts it becomes a "winner takes all" water war. The individual battles may be over a military base and the soldiers motivation may be preventing the slaughter of "his people". The Syrian civil war itself is about water, the problem is that this fairly obvious kernel of reason is buried deep inside an onion of political layers and is virtually ignored when discussing Syria, Egypt, Lybia, et-al. These people did not after 30yrs suddenly realise they were oppressed after signing up to facebook, they could not put enough food on the table to stop their stomachs rumbling. The stress was so great people started setting fire to themselves in protest, this is where social media came in and helped re-organise the deck chairs but did nothing to solve the problem.

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