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Comment Clarification (Score 1) 135

- The heat from the collision would have evaporated/released all elements lighter than X, which includes water. (ed: perhaps water on the moon is more closely related to early earth water coalesced and re-condensed?)

In this scenario, wouldn't much of the released elements have returned thanks to gravity?

Also if we're bringing Theia into it, maybe Theia is the source of the water?

Comment Re:Adios MOHAA (Score 1) 329

I'm not sure I understand the question. MOHAA=Medal of Honor: Allied Assault if that's what you mean.

Shutting down the Allied Assault servers would be like saying "right that's it, no more Quake 3 guys, sorry" - it's the loss of a pivotal page from videogame history.

Comment Re:fake website (Score 1) 85

I haven't seen one of those for a while, but the right-click menu comes up on release. On sites that pop up a "right click disabled" messagebox on *click* you can just hold the button down, OK the popup, and then release the right button to trigger the menu.

Of course that doesn't work on sites that disable it silently.

Comment Re:Ohhh... they just invented MultiMUD (Score 1) 75

I agree, I used a stealth/mage/fighter/healer combo for any duels that happened to crop up pre-trammel (my house was in a hotspot of PvP activity and my guild had a way of making enemies) I didn't come anywhere near grandmastering a single skill on him, but that class was built for murder and served me very well against hardened PvPers over the years.

Skill locking didn't enter into things for a few years though, in the good old days you could spend forever GMing your main skills, then walk past somebody playing a harp and passively gain musicianship, losing hours upon hours of progress in a second.

Comment Re:well that was new... (Score 1) 75

Even an on/off switch for PvP would have been better than what they did. What they did was create a second copy of the map, they left the original unchanged and made the second strictly PvM.

The result was that rather than toggling PvP off and going about their business, when people wanted to go out and do stuff without the risk of getting jumped, they just hopped over to the PvM world to do it.

So instead of having one interesting, bustling world where everybody played alongside each other in a manner they chose. We ended up with a dull, sterile PvM world, and an interesting but empty PvP world.

Comment Re: Ponzi scheme (Score 1) 357

MtGox, Vircurex or any other exchange getting hacked is a tragedy, but those are problems with their code rather than the underlying technology. Pointing at dead exchanges and proclaiming it to be the downfall of bitcoin, is like pointing at IIS when a new exploit comes out and yelling that HTTP is doomed.

Cryptocurrency is a genie that's out of its bottle, you would do well to try to understand it for what it is, rather than the get rich quick scheme you're interpreting it to be, because it really is a revolutionary technology, and it's not going away.

Comment Re:LOL .. 0.9.0? (Score 1) 173

Sorry, but some of us have always looked at BitCoin and thought some combination of "why?" and "no frigging way".

I used to be one of those guys, then I really looked into what it is and how it works and was really, *really* impressed.

This whole thing sounds like it's several years away from being trustworthy, by which point it will either be regulated by governments, or controlled by corporations.

This says it all - it *sounds* like it's untrustworthy, but the reality is that it isn't, otherwise it would be worthless by now (it's open source after all - if it could be picked apart so easy it would have been)

What you're noticing is a slew of bad news tangentially related to the core technology. CPUs aren't at fault for Windows' security failings, HTML's not at fault for IIS, and BitCoin's not broken because MtGox wrote bad code.

Comment Re:HEY (Score 1) 268

So very little music you hear out today can be considered "musical" at all.

That's always true, and there's always plenty of good music being made, we just tend to have an emotional attachment to music that we associate with the time in our lives when we were listening to a lot of music and going out into the world and doing new things, and obviously since they're lasting musical choices, our kids end up hearing them and liking them because they're stuck in the same house with us (and the bands we enjoyed in our formative years are genuinely good)

I'd recommend giving some good stuff made in the last decade a listen to see how you get on. Anything by The Black Keys or Cold War Kids is a safe bet. If you're a fan of albums as complete experiences, try Everything All The Time by Band of Horses, Halcyon Digest by Deerhunter, Teen Dream by Beach House, Glory Hope Mountain by The Acorn, Becoming a Jackal by the Villagers and plenty more.

There's never been a better time to love music than now - we have the internet, we have a world of music at our fingertips. There are plenty of bands in all different genres keeping it real all over the world. You're cheating yourself out of a world of fantastic music if you stick with decades old American rock.

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