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Comment Re: A giant lagoon dam (Score 1) 197

I'm sorry, but I agree with that. If you on the UK want us to dam up our rivers and build roads out to geothermal areas and tap into our resources, and raise our local power prices in the process, all for the benefit of the UK, our government better damn well profit as much as possible from it and reduce our taxes / improve our services in exchange for that.

Unfortunately, xB and xD do not agree.

Comment Re: A giant lagoon dam (Score 1) 197

Better negotiate the contract during a Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn / Framsóknarflokkurinn (conservative) government. Samfylkingin would approve it under the condition that the Icelandic government's share of the sales are so high that you would barely save any money on the imported power, and Vinstri Grænir would outright reject it no matter what you offered. But Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn and Framsóknarflokkurinn would let you dam up whatever rivers you want and take gigawatts of power in exchange for a handful of shiny trinkets and a couple magic beans.

Comment Criticism (Score 1) 167

Perhaps what should dog her is the fact that thus far, she has failed utterly. Not that I blame her. She was handed a steaming pile of shit, so the odds were always low.

Yahoo has about as much reason to exist as Blackberry. Both are dinosaurs of a previous age.

Comment Re:How do they know they're getting paid fairly? (Score 4, Informative) 143


6. Records and Audits

You agree to keep accurate books and records related to your development, manufacture, Distribution, and sale of Products and related revenue. Epic may conduct reasonable audits of those books and records. Audits will be conducted during business hours on reasonable prior notice to you. Epic will bear the costs of audits unless the results show a shortfall in payments in excess of 5% during the period audited, in which case you will be responsible for the cost of the audit.

Comment Re:Free Music (Score 1) 201

I usually compare my computer desktop to my physical desktop.

In this instance, I think it's quite close to compare my smartphone to my pocket.

Sure, if I was walking along and someone handed me a free album, I'd take it. I'd probably put it in my pocket if there was room. But I would also reserve the right to say "No thanks".

What Apple/U2 did is tantamount to chasing you down the street trying to shove their product into your pocket. Sorry, you have no right to do that and it's damn rude, free or not.

People don't have free downloads everywhere, and those that do may not want this crap - whether through playlist OCD of just not wanting to see something they have no interest in or, more likely, BECAUSE it was shoved into their pockets without any option.

If free stuff's so good, I'll ship you a bunch of "free" cardboard box to your house and fill it up (removing it is another issue entirely if we follow the Apple/U2 thing too closely!). Hey, it's free! Why don't you want it? You might like it. You might be a cardboard fanatic. If I offered you a bunch of free cardboard at some points in the year you might tear my arms off to get at it (e.g. moving house). If you'd asked for it, it'd be great. But instead some guy showed up, shoved a bunch of cardboard through your door and said "Hey, it's free, don't complain!".

It's not WHAT was done, it's HOW it was done.

Comment Zombies (Score 1) 247

In a zombie apocalypse, all movies and games depict their being some kind of "safe-house" where all the uninfected will gather together.

This, it seems to me, is the most stupid idea ever. Heading towards that is certain death. The zombies only need to be able to read, or get lucky, for it to be game over - they know where the highest concentration of juicy victims will be. And that concentration will increase as everyone piles to go there.

Sure, that's where the firepower might be concentrated too, but that's not good enough when one breaking through is enough to create a game-over scenario.

It seems to me that when everyone is piling towards the safehouse, a prudent course of action would be to stay still / run the other way, unless there's something that stops you doing so.

If I was a zombie, I know exactly where I'd head first.

Similarly, when everyone tries to flee a city, the first thing they do is jam the motorways (freeways). It seems quite stupid to even try if there are really that many people headed that way. All you'll do is trap your vehicle in a queue that you can't escape and then have to get out on foot.

Go the other way, go down the backstreets and side-alleys, stay off the main paths is surely the intelligent thing to do (besides using a bike or other fast transport in the first place).

Comment Re:Damnit... (Score 1) 201

^this times a million.
Really, as if we needed more proof that the majority of humanity (never including us, of course) are just vapid, moronic sheep, driven by impulse and entirely unable to understand long-term cause effect or act for their own good.

Maybe the Democrats/Republicans are right, and we should just let them in Washington think for the rest of us. I mean, could it be worse than us doing it ourselves?

Comment Fuckers! (Score 4, Funny) 197

Any energy source that does not burn fossil fuels is for pinko commies, and the people designing and building them should immediately be taken out and shot! We must only use oil, coal and natural gas, and we should have a law that allows for summary execution of anyone who brings up wind, solar, AGW, or science. After all, we know God fucking hates greenies and wants us to kill all of them!

Fuck everyone who believes spewing CO2 into the atmosphere isn't a good, nay, incredibly great and healthy thing! We should kill all the climatologists right fucking now!!!!!

I'd say more, but I'm at risk of drowning in my own spittle.

Comment Re:Life has caught up to our dreams. (Score 1) 233

Which doesn't explain why there is little or no chemistry between the actors, why an Englishman was cast as a character of Indian descent, why the cinematography makes it look like they were filmed by a twelve year old with a ten year old digital camera, and why, in general, the plots of both movies, where they are comprehensible at all, are daft and simplistic.

I watched all three completed Star Trek Continues series, and have to say, despite what are considerably smaller budgets, and by and large unknown actors, have done what Abrams and the big studios, with huge resources, have not, and that is to actually capture the spirit of Star Trek.

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