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Comment Three ways to look at it. (Score 1) 232

1) Competition is what matters. Then all the 'mind sports' should be in, including video games. But by that same argument then figure skating and all other 'judged' things should be out - they are NOT really competing against each other, except in a very esoteric manner. There is no clearly defined winner, just people who did are believed to be better.

2) Physical effort: Then figure skating and dancing should be in, but video games and chess should be out.

3) Both competitive and physical effort. Here figure skating etc. should be out, as well as video games.

Frankly, I can't see a way that figure skating and video games both belong in the Olympics.

Note, I LIKE figure skating. It is a lot more fun to watch than most races. Similarly it is more fun to watch than someone else playing a video game.

Personally I think tradition will win, which will keep it as a "physical effort", so figure skating stays and video games will not be allowed.

Comment Sony could have announced this last week (Score 1) 227

They could have announced that they are working on a download immediately.

Instead they cowardly said "we surrender", then changed their mind when they realized how everyone thought they were weak, cowards giving in to terrorists rather than responsible businessmen avoiding lawsuits.

Comment Re:Honestly the size of the book means nothing. (Score 1) 351

Your information is incorrect. The actual ratio is: one minute of movie for every page of SCRIPT, not book. Your mistake is understandable. The script is written using white space to indicate scene shifts, to help keep this ratio.

Typical books are 400 pages long = 5 hours.

Any good screen writer can easily cut a 400 page book into a 100 page script. Similarly, in a hi action/fantasy film with lots of great visuals, can stretch an 80 page book into a movie.

The Hobbit is more than 300 pages, it could easily be turned into 3 hour long movies.

The problem was poor screen writers, not the size of the book.


NuSTAR Takes Beautiful X-ray Image of Sol 44

New submitter swell points out a new image release from NASA, the first taken of the Sun by its Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR). It's the most sensitive shot ever taken in the high-energy X-ray range of the spectrum. Direct image link. While the sun is too bright for other telescopes such as NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, NuSTAR can safely look at it without the risk of damaging its detectors. The sun is not as bright in the higher-energy X-rays detected by NuSTAR, a factor that depends on the temperature of the sun's atmosphere. ... With NuSTAR's high-energy views, it has the potential to capture hypothesized nanoflares -- smaller versions of the sun's giant flares that erupt with charged particles and high-energy radiation. Nanoflares, should they exist, may explain why the sun's outer atmosphere, called the corona, is sizzling hot, a mystery called the "coronal heating problem." The corona is, on average, 1.8 million degrees Fahrenheit (1 million degrees Celsius), while the surface of the sun is relatively cooler at 10,800 Fahrenheit (6,000 degrees Celsius). It is like a flame coming out of an ice cube. Nanoflares, in combination with flares, may be sources of the intense heat.

Comment Honestly the size of the book means nothing. (Score 4, Interesting) 351

Book length does not translate into Movie length.

Movies are about the visuals. That's why a good director means more than a good screen writer. The better the visual, the more time on screen. All movies need an inciting incident, an escalation, then a crisis and resolution. You can easily do a fantastic movie without much dialogue or voiceovers. In fact, the best way to do dialogue and voice overs is to let a good actor improvise. Works better than having the screenwriter do it - who should be creating potentially amazing scenes.

Books are about the dialogue and thoughts of the character. You can delve deep into their motivations and what they say. But book visuals are all in the mind of the reader. If a book has really good descriptions, it doesn't matter that much. But good words - said and thought by the characters, that makes the book.

Comment Re:Connect to email (Score 1) 237

As per the article, many people were ignoring the voicemails. Now they can ignore their emails.

Or better yet, simply call the number that called them without bothering to listen to the email. Saves them the time and the person that left the message gets what they originally desired - personal contact.

Comment Re:They realized how badly they screwed up (Score 2, Interesting) 176

Wrong. That is Sony propaganda. Everything the Sony CEO said was in service of his own cowardice. Yes, some theaters backed out. Others major movie theater chains BEGGED Sony to release the film.

More importantly, Sony could have released it direct to Video, to HBO, etc. You don't need to 'look for other ways' and if Netflix, HBO, and Hulu were 'afraid of getting hacked' They could simply have given it to the Pirate Bay.

This was a decision made by Sony, not anyone else. You on the other hand have fallen for a pack of lies.

Comment They realized how badly they screwed up (Score 4, Interesting) 176

The movie probably sucks. But bowing down to pressure from North Korea is ridiculous.

I am sure Hitler did not like The Great Dictator, but if he had tried to blackmail a US company into cancelling it, we would have laughed at him.

Sony should have done the same. I don't care what they got from the stolen emails, the only way to deal with terrorists demanding obedience is a bullet to their head, not a bow to to their feet.

Comment Goodbye Lens flare... (Score 1) 332

... hello "RAMMING SPEED!"

Frankly, I wish they would go back to the core Star Trek TV values:

1) Duplicate an earth culture on another planet.

2) Have zero contact with Earth, letting Kirk do whatever he wants.

3) Make some kind of social commentary relevant to today that will seem weird 10 years from now.

4) If possible have someone claim to be a God, or demonstrate godlike abilities. Apollo was done already, so lets go with maybe Thor?

Comment Re:Fine (Score 5, Insightful) 293


Their desire to make money? So what. I desire to make money to - can I block their services and force them to use mine?

By that desire, the Hotel has the right to block all Cellphone services, after all they put phones in your room (and charge you ridiculous amounts of money to make calls on them).


Providing one service on a premise does not grant you a monopoly on all ancillary services provided on that premise.

Comment Wow. I have several lawsuits to file (Score 1) 163

The number of ex-Bush employees that have violated their fiduciary duty of loyalty is just shocking.

We can start with the fascist pig that thought a water boarding wasn't torture, and move on to Cheney, who when questioned about torture ignores our own actions and instead discusses the the crimes of our opponents - as if the ends justifies the means.

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