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Comment Honestly the size of the book means nothing. (Score 4, Interesting) 351

Book length does not translate into Movie length.

Movies are about the visuals. That's why a good director means more than a good screen writer. The better the visual, the more time on screen. All movies need an inciting incident, an escalation, then a crisis and resolution. You can easily do a fantastic movie without much dialogue or voiceovers. In fact, the best way to do dialogue and voice overs is to let a good actor improvise. Works better than having the screenwriter do it - who should be creating potentially amazing scenes.

Books are about the dialogue and thoughts of the character. You can delve deep into their motivations and what they say. But book visuals are all in the mind of the reader. If a book has really good descriptions, it doesn't matter that much. But good words - said and thought by the characters, that makes the book.

Comment Re:Connect to email (Score 1) 237

As per the article, many people were ignoring the voicemails. Now they can ignore their emails.

Or better yet, simply call the number that called them without bothering to listen to the email. Saves them the time and the person that left the message gets what they originally desired - personal contact.

Comment Re:They realized how badly they screwed up (Score 2, Interesting) 176

Wrong. That is Sony propaganda. Everything the Sony CEO said was in service of his own cowardice. Yes, some theaters backed out. Others major movie theater chains BEGGED Sony to release the film.

More importantly, Sony could have released it direct to Video, to HBO, etc. You don't need to 'look for other ways' and if Netflix, HBO, and Hulu were 'afraid of getting hacked' They could simply have given it to the Pirate Bay.

This was a decision made by Sony, not anyone else. You on the other hand have fallen for a pack of lies.

Comment They realized how badly they screwed up (Score 4, Interesting) 176

The movie probably sucks. But bowing down to pressure from North Korea is ridiculous.

I am sure Hitler did not like The Great Dictator, but if he had tried to blackmail a US company into cancelling it, we would have laughed at him.

Sony should have done the same. I don't care what they got from the stolen emails, the only way to deal with terrorists demanding obedience is a bullet to their head, not a bow to to their feet.

Comment Goodbye Lens flare... (Score 1) 332

... hello "RAMMING SPEED!"

Frankly, I wish they would go back to the core Star Trek TV values:

1) Duplicate an earth culture on another planet.

2) Have zero contact with Earth, letting Kirk do whatever he wants.

3) Make some kind of social commentary relevant to today that will seem weird 10 years from now.

4) If possible have someone claim to be a God, or demonstrate godlike abilities. Apollo was done already, so lets go with maybe Thor?

Comment Re:Fine (Score 5, Insightful) 293


Their desire to make money? So what. I desire to make money to - can I block their services and force them to use mine?

By that desire, the Hotel has the right to block all Cellphone services, after all they put phones in your room (and charge you ridiculous amounts of money to make calls on them).


Providing one service on a premise does not grant you a monopoly on all ancillary services provided on that premise.

Comment Wow. I have several lawsuits to file (Score 1) 163

The number of ex-Bush employees that have violated their fiduciary duty of loyalty is just shocking.

We can start with the fascist pig that thought a water boarding wasn't torture, and move on to Cheney, who when questioned about torture ignores our own actions and instead discusses the the crimes of our opponents - as if the ends justifies the means.

Comment Easy kid vs. Succesful adult (Score 4, Interesting) 323

There are lots of things parents do to kids to make the kids easier to raise, that become extremely problematic in adults.

Many people want/prefer a less assertive/aggressive child. They do what they are told, instead of trying to invent/create new things to do on their own.

That makes for a less assertive/aggressive adult. They do what they are told, instead of inventing/creating.

Another clear example is the 'polite rage'. Studies have shown that the more polite a society, the more seething rage develops inside it. Where a traditional brash American northerner gets angry, but never fights for honor, a traditionally polite American southerner stays polite until you go to far and then goes for blood.

Comment Fine - but not impersonate peolpe (Score 2) 209

I am (and probably most people) totally OK with the cops creating fake internet accounts to catch criminals. Nothing wrong with that. What is more troubling is the attempts of some cops to take impersonate actual living people on internet accounts and use THAT to catch criminals.

That should be illegal - at least without the express written consent of the people being impersonated.

Yes, the cops have done this and the person sued. I would love to hear what happened in that law suit, because impersonating someone else is a very different matter from creating a fake account.

Comment Re:What Bullshit (Score 3, Insightful) 391

You do realize that every single cell in your body can be considered to be millions of years old, right?

Each cell divided from your original ovum/sperm combination. Those came from their parents, which came from their parents, etc. etc.

Cells have been proven to be able to divide into new ones FOREVER, given minimal changes. Telomeres and the other forms of aging are all just anti-cancer techniques.

You do however have a good point when you mention the brain.

But that is also not insurmountable. It's called gradual replacement. Kill about 1% of the brain every year and grow new cells.

Yes there will be some partial memory loss. So what? By that age, you already have memory issues. Personality and the 'soul' (if it exists) will remain the same. You ameliorate the memory issues by leaving personal recordings of important things - video, etc. Basically, you look at your own Facebook page [ ughh, I found a real use for Facebook :( ]

You are correct we will never win against entropy.

But you are wrong when you think the constraints are freer for artificial intelligence. They simply are not there. The 'weaknesses' of organic life are actually strengths that people do not understand. Things like blinking - it is an automatic health maintenance procedure, not a weakness in human vision.

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