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Comment Re:Microsoft SharePoint (Score 1) 343

I hear ya. We use Sharepoint at work and it is very capable for version control. We have one library with over 2000 documents in it and they hold numerous minor and major versions of the docs. Even clueless users can be shown how to use it relatively quickly. Other nice features is Alerts. SP sends you an email if someone has modified a doc. Handy when you are waiting on information from someone before proceeding with your work. As soon as they check it in you get an email alert.

Comment Re: What we really need to address ... (Score 1) 288

AC's message was crude, which is unfortunate, but there is a point in there. Some occupations attract one gender more than others. It would be better to ask why that is in CS rather than just throw money at the issue trying to balance out the numbers. If CS is a hostile environment for women that needs to be addressed. Once upon a time male nurses were scorned, but now it is common although still more dominated by women. Why is it more acceptable now, maybe there are lessons that can be learned from that. Oh and no matter how good it gets idiots will still be idiots so that won't change.

Comment Don't forget the social aspect of school (Score 2) 700

At kindergarten level it's not all about abc's. The social aspect of functioning in a larger group of your peers is also important. Does your son have a lot of kids in his life (siblings, friends, cousins etc etc)> Is he naturally extroverted or does he have a more introverted personality.

I also have a son of that age, only child. We have him in public school and have found that the academics at that age are secondary to the social aspect of school. Only you know what is right, and i am no expert. You should trust your parental instincts above all. Just consider that home schooling can be more isolating depending on your own family environment and social circle. Even if you try something and feel it is not working, no matter what you choose, do not doggedly persist to the bitter end. Monitor and stay flexible. Good luck!

Comment RaspberryPi (Score 1) 263

This would dead simple with a raspberrypi and pi camera module. Cron takes a still shot (raspistill -o filename.jpg) every 5 or 10 minutes. Rsync over ssh to your website via cron every 5 or 10 minutes. Create a nice looking webpage that displays the image. Since the image name never changes your web page is updated as soon as the new jpg is uploaded.

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