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Comment Re:Why do people listen to her? (Score 1) 588

ahh. The evasion of responsibility. If you take no stand you can not be blamed.
You say that abortion should be legal but what limits do you feel should be placed on it? Ten days? 260 days? Where should the line be? I assume you vote so you will vote for laws or law makes that will set those limits so you are still taking a stand or do you just not vote?

Comment Re:Why do people listen to her? (Score 1) 588

"In the US, mothers have legal authority to terminate a pregnancy up to 90 days after conception, for any reason. Depending on the state, some restrictions may apply after the first 90 days. Whether this is a "right" or is "moral" is something that people disagree about."
That is not an answer but an evasion. If what is right or moral is flexible and you are okay with that then would you have a problem with that times being set to 0? or 180 days? As a member of a democratic society it is up to each member to try and set those laws so that they are moral, right, or at least best for society. If every person decides what is moral or right then it becomes meaningless. Every person is moral and right because nobody does what they feel is not moral, right or at least justified.
And everyone may be judged as immoral by any individual which opens up a lot of other issues. .

Comment Re:Why do people listen to her? (Score 1) 588

Society is all about the population deciding what rights people do and do not have.
So when does the right of a parent to terminate a life of an embryo/fetus/child end?
While you may argue that an embryo is not a "person" you must agree that it is alive.
Is their a term of pregnancy, or viability?
You are right that it would be immoral for you as an individual to make the rules but it is not imoral for society to create rules.

Comment Re:Why do people listen to her? (Score 2) 588

It seems to be largely genetic and starts before birth. http://www.medicalnewstoday.co...

"1. Obviously, better education. The causes of autism should be taught in high school health and/or biology classes."
We do not know all of them so sure at some point.
"2. If women are going to drink soda pop instead of fruit juice, maybe we should put the folic acid in the soda."
It is already in cereal and bread products. http://womenshealth.gov/public...
"3. Provide cheap and widely available pregnancy tests, so women know sooner. The cost of providing these test would be WAY less than the societal costs of dealing with autistic kids." They seem pretty cheap to me at least in the US.
"4. Develop a prenatal test for autism, so parents can have the option to terminate the pregnancy. Social conservatives will love this."
Wow since autism is not always crippling do you really think this is close to a good or moral idea? Suppose being transgender or even gay was found to be testable would you be okay with that being a reason to terminate a pregnancy? A great number of autistic people now lead happy productive lives if the issue found early enough and they get the right education.

Comment Re:Why do people listen to her? (Score 2) 588

Except that vaccines have nothing to do with Autism.

It is genetic, which is hard for patents to deal with. It is so much simpler to for a person to blame a big evil company than to hear that they passed on a "defect" to their child.
Of course the parents are not to blame but that doesn't mean that they will not blame themselves or that others will not blame them.

Comment Re:Ability to design and write software... (Score 1) 581

The safety regulations are no the issue it is the liability regulations that are.
The finally passed some laws to put a tail on it but for a long time Piper could, did face, and lost a lawsuit because a plane built in the 1940s or 1950s failed to meet modern safety standards. I imagine someone taking GM to court because their 57 Chevy didn't have air bags?
Cessna lost a case because the sliding seat latch in a 30+ year old aircraft failed.

Comment Re:Useless (Score 2) 187

Sure on a night with a full moon you may see just fine. On a night with no moon and when it is overcast good luck. Also I live in Florida and in some areas I have hiked in even if it no overcast and there is no moon you are in trouble because of of the tree canopy. Full moon on sugar sand trails you are golden. It is so bright that you can read by it.
Back to the roads. I have driven from Mobile AL to Jackson Ms at night in the winter and I can tell you that those roads are darker than dark and just nerve racking even at the legal speed limit.

Comment Re:Tmux (Score 3, Informative) 136

Here it is in nicm@'s words:
"In particular, being able to share a single window between multiple terminals, with other windows in the same session but entirely separate. Adding this to screen was implausible"

Perhaps I am still misunderstanding the features of tmux (most likely in fact), but to say that is implausible to add to screen is misleading to say the least, since I have been doing exactly that in screen for nearly a decade.

On one terminal, either start a new screen session or -r to a detached session.
If starting a new one, try: screen -S LetsShare

On a second terminal, run: screen -list
You should see a list of screen sessions and their status (attached, detached, multi, etc)
If you used -S on start that will be the name, otherwise it's some tty.host.number string.

Now on that second terminal run: screen -x

Try to adjust both terminal sessions so you can see them at the same time. Type in either, watch in either. They are shared seemingly matching your tmux description.

You can change permissions per terminal so others can't type but will see everything you do (aka tutorial mode) using ^a *

Also for split/multiple windows showing on the same terminal, use ^a S (control-a capital-S)
To switch between split windows use ^a tab
Close a section of split window with ^a Q

The status bar problem is true and pretty annoying. I fixed it myself with a line in ~/.screenrc but of course I have to pretty much install that user config file on every new system I use which can get annoying.
If you want an always-on status bar showing window numbers and titles (^a A to change the title), add this to .screenrc (and hope slashdot doesn't munge it!)

hardstatus alwayslastline "%{= wk}%-Lw%{= BW}%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw %-=%{= BW}%H%{-}%{-}"

Note the two "BW" bits? That's background blue and foreground white, and applies to the window with focus. Change B to R for red for example (production vs not-production in my case)

Here is my whole .screenrc file for copy/paste purposes: http://pastebin.com/kMkuFXi9
No splash screen, always on status bar, 10k line scrollback history for copy/paste (^a [ and ^a ] ), and auto-open three windows with preset titles and commands running in them.

I don't mean to knock tmux in any way at all, having not used it (and I do plan to check it out now) - but hopefully these screen tips help out others here.

Comment Re:Ability to design and write software... (Score 3, Insightful) 581

The statement is about a solution for a group. The simple truth is that your not going to solve the problem of unemployment in West Virginia if you stop all coal mining by trying to teach the coal miners to code. A few might but it will not be a solution.
The real truth is that if you do shut down the coal mines "not going to happen" you will have massive unemployment. Towns will become ghost towns, people will move away, schools will close, people will default on their homes, and businesses will shut down.
The only way to prevent this would be for new jobs to move in exactly as the mines shut down. You would need to get companies to put in manufacturing or some other kind of mining in sync with shutting down the mines. Good luck with that.

That is one reason I am really disappointed with Motorola being sold off, I was hopping that it would be a new start to manufacturing in the US. I would also love to see the US Gov do more to help the General Aviation industry. Most GA planes where made in the US and support a lot of really good paying jobs at FBOs and small airports across the country. Think of General Aviation as a good way to take money from the upper class and spread to to the middle class.

The coal mines will not shut down because they have the political perfect storm as a tool. The coal mines are usually in states with republican reps. The miners are in unions so they have the democrats that are pro union to support them. So both parties will support coal for a very long time.

Comment Re:Sex discrimination. (Score 1) 673

Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are private groups not the government.
You could also throw in all girl schools, women's colleges, and "traditionally" black colleges.
Sometimes groups and organizations that are specific to a gender can be beneficial. I am not so sure that the same holds true for race but that is debatable.

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