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Haskell 2010 Announced 173

paltemalte writes "Simon Marlow has posted an announcement of Haskell 2010, a new revision of the Haskell purely functional programming language. Good news for everyone interested in SMP and concurrency programming."

Comment Re:It's definitely a fast boot, (Score 2, Interesting) 324

If you want more than that you'd be better off with Ubuntu Netbook Remix or another mini Linux distro. I would have much preferred a stable Linux build of the Google Chrome browser.

As you've already said there are better solutions for people who need more. Google is providing something optimized for those who DON'T need more.

Comment Re:Car Analogy for MS Spokesperson (Score 1) 324

I think you hit the nail on the head. Google is solving a problem that doesn't exist. I have yet to hear anyone ask to do all their computing through a web browser.

I love Chrome. It's my browser of choice most of the time. I'm a Google account/services user. I do think they provide an excellent web experience. I don't see them providing the same experience for my desktop as they do for the web. I guess we'll see how this unfolds though. Something tells me there is more to this than we're seeing.

Most users don't even know what to ask for, be it a web browser or standalone software. They just need a good way (whatever it is) to achieve their goals e.g. email, reading news, watching videos, listening to music, etc... Web-based computing is one of the many ways, and it happens to be the way Google chose to bet their entire business on. So they're doing whatever it takes to improve it. In terms of user experience it's ahead of desktop computing in some ways and lagging behind in others. I'm sure the engineers at Google know that and are working hard on those weaknesses.

Comment Re:Netbeans just isn't there (Score 4, Interesting) 151

Netbeans isn't there in terms of industry backing and support (which is what we hope Oracle will provide). As far as the software itself is concerned I find it to be at least as good if not better than Eclipse. It's been significantly improved over the last couple of years from version 4.x to 6.x. There are two things that I like it better than Eclipse:
- it's 100% Java and runs fine on anything that has a JVM (Eclipse's SWT has platform specific dependencies which prevented me from using it on 64bit machines, it took ages for it to have proper x64 support)
- better developer experience because of a cleaner and sensibly chosen set of plug-ins that all work out-of-the-box with no dependency hell (Eclipse plug-ins is a mess unless you pay for commercially packaged versions like MyEclipse)

Comment Re:Fonts (Score 1) 378

Licensing? Nightmare.
Bandwidth? Eek.

Compared to all those CSS, Javascripts, images, multimedia contents currently being downloaded alongside webpages, it doesn't seem like a nightmare. In some cases it may actually save bandwidth (coz otherwise the text would have to be made as images).

Security? Whoa!

Give browser developers time and things will improve. The implementation is still relatively new and less mature.

Compatibility? Doesn't downgrade nicely (that page looks horrible in a "stable" browser of today and is almost unreadable)

That's the responsibility of the web developers. The spec allows for multiple failover fonts that if used properly should provide graceful downgrade.

Gains? Geocities-like webpages that use every font they can just for the sake of it. Seven million websites written in Comic Sans. And only the sensible browsers will come with options to turn the damn thing off (and thus look even worse).

Then blame those incompetent web developers, not the enabling technology (otherwise you can blame HTML for allowing the use of colors). Look at it from the other side it provides a standardized way for competent developers to improve visual quality of text. It's fine if you want web technology to stay as it was in the 90s but the rest of the world will continue to move on.

Stupid idea, stupid execution (having to DOWNLOAD every font mentioned on a page?)

Developers can specify both local and remote fonts. Only remote fonts need to be downloaded and they will be cached just like images, CSS, etc...

Spend some time understanding something before bashing.

Comment Re:Self-downloading fonts... (Score 1) 378

again it's a race between hackers and browser developers... Same thing happened to HTTP, HTML, Javascript, etc...

There is always a risk when processing any data from the net. It's impossible to make something that is 100% secure. But when something gains popularity and is being depended on heavily, the effort going into the implementation will naturally grow and the security will improve.

Comment Re:What is this about Google Wave? (Score 3, Informative) 256

If you just want to run a standalone web forum, then Google Wave may not offer much more than a ajax php forum. And if you just want email, then SMTP+IMAP/POP is surely good enough.

The power of Google Wave comes from the unification of various communication and collaboration paradigms, it's federated nature, it's extensibility and it's open-standard and web-centric approach. In the old model if I want to participate in a forum I'll have to register on the web, go back to my outlook to get the verification email, and then go back to web. I'll also have to subscribe to email alerts for new posts, then go back to the web to reply. All these context switching is totally unnecessary and can be frustrating when you have say 10 different web forums, 5 social networks, 3 photo sharing sites, and 2 IM networks and 1 blog. And there is no practical way to for me to search and browse through my entire communication history in one place.

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