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Comment Re:It's been done (Score 1) 876

Well, perhaps why are we still using text-only to code?

We're not.

However, we're also not burdening the compiler with all this crap anymore -- it is expected you load such resources on demand instead of including it with your code in order to keep the memory footprint reasonable (just imagine the intro movie of some big game being part of its base code).

It wasn't always that way. Assemblers would often have directives to directly include a file as binary as part of the code. C did away with that (although converters for binary files to something a C compiler can understand exist). More new fangled language like for example Java allow you to just include the resources in a zip file (jar file) and load them on demand with a very simple construct.

Comment Re:So a good match... (Score 1) 354

And this will make a return.

Kamikaze drones will win the next major air engagement, as they're cheap and there's no human cost involved if you lose one. I don't understand why countries even bother with the F-35 or anything similar. Build an expendable drone that can outfly anything with a human pilot in it -- can even make it stealth if you really want to bother with it.

Comment Re:LIAR (Score 1) 572

Who should receive the putative fruits of economic spying by the government? Private companies? Which ones? In exchange for what? Paid to who? How has that been working out for us?

Ehr, seriously? That's easy. Since paying money for laws is perfectly legal in the US, you give private companies those secrets. Which ones? The ones that pay you the most. In exchange for what? More money of course.

As for how it is working out for you -- it is not, but it is for that elite 1% that owns all those companies.

Comment Re:When you count from 1 to 10, do you stop at 9? (Score 1) 198

This is an internal function (private) that is not part of the API, although there are many similar functions that take a from/to index.

Programming languages only have a convenient relation to English. Programmers will write "toIndex" and actually mean "uptoButNotIncludingIndex". The name acts as a reminder of what it is, but the real details are in the specification of the function (the javadoc) that comes with every public API in Java.

Anyway, I've found it is quite common to have the "end" index mean upto but not including the end index when dealing with 0 based lists. This is because a very common case, where you want to do something all the way to the end of the list, you can just use the "length" of such a list as the end index without having to substract one from it.

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