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Comment Re:No Free Speech (Score 1) 581

I'm not sure how parent got moderated Informative. Reddit does a pretty good job of not allowing offensive subs to pollute non-offensive ones. If you log on with the default set of subs, it's mostly non-offensive stuff with NSFW tags working pretty well to prevent you from following porn links and stuff. Yes, people talk about and/or link to offensive ones; but the offensive content itself is not in the stock subs. If you follow those links, you can find yourself in some truly bizarre and/or offensive places; but it's not in your face day-to-day unless you *choose* to go there.

Comment We already solve it like programmers (Score 1) 165

We already solve it like programmers--we do it according to what the suits say, regardless of how stupid it is because... money.

The good programmers (would-be leaders) get disgusted and quit.

What we need is disruptive technology, from a different bunch of suits. This has nothing to do with how good the programmers are, except that if it's a good bunch of suits they'll attract a good bunch of programmers.

Submission + - An Infinite Number of Ways To Say "I Love You" With Relational Programming (

Baldrson writes: This is an interesting angle on relational programming: Relate a functional or even imperative language program to its outputs, provide constraints and then reverse to do fun things like generate all programs that say "I love you.", generate all Quines, etc. This is demonstrated in PolyConf 15: The Promise of Relational Programming / William Byrd. (The afore video link skips past the boring logic programming type stuff like reversible append.) But this is more than a mere novelty, as demonstrated in the final section of the presentation: Imperative programs (involving destructive assignment, error traps, etc.) can be interpreted under the relational paradigm to answer questions like, "What input conditions to this program yield this output condition?"

Comment Re:Greeks surrender: no restructuring (Score 1) 485

l2718 asks:

wonder how Tsirpas will sell this to his constituents who just voted a firm "NO" to a deal without restructuring.


The All New Slashdot IMF Editorial Policy is to leave questions like that answered in the subtext of the original post: The People Don't Matter and If You Think They Do You're a 'Populist' which is just shy of being an 'Extremist'.

Comment Re:Algorithm (Score 1) 233

I'm just curious, why do you think their machine learning algorithms are "shoddy"?

You type in gorillas and you get pictures of things that definitely aren't gorillas. The fact that it's highly offensive is just icing on the cake.

Likewise, job ads, ideally, would be shown to the best candidates, not necessarily the users most likely to click them... as you have speculated. HR is drowning in bullshit resumes as it is. Ads that produce more bullshit resumes from unqualified candidates who click/submit on everything will not be worth much to any company.

Without your pure speculation that the click through is what is driving the difference, all you're left with is an insinuation by the output of Google's algorithm that men are six times more likely than women to be good candidates for highly paid jobs... Which, again, simply isn't true and again, highly offensive.

Comment Re:What kind of phone does Cameron use? (Score 3, Insightful) 174

That's what I would ask him. "No secret messages? Then how do you feel about Manning leaking your secret messages then? And Snowden? You must be in favor of a full pardon for those guys, yes? How do you plan to explain the shutdown and/or hacking of every Internet web server in your entire country, because you've outlawed SSH? Also, were you born with brain damage or did you acquire that at some later point in life?" :)

Comment Re:For 100 points... (Score 4, Informative) 101

"Google has a gun pointed at my head. They haven't promised not to pull the trigger, but they haven't pull the trigger yet. So I've got that going for me." -- AI software developer

Request for prior art on Google patent application. Don't let Google point a gun at our heads. Get their patent applications rejected with prior art.

Comment Re:Algorithm (Score 1) 233

Well at least you explained why you thought those things were relevant.

False cause: I didn't speculate on cause. I noted effect. Fact: Google software called black people gorillas. Fact: Google software discriminated against women.

Appeal to emotion: I'm not asking anyone to act. In fact, I'm questioning why YOU are acting, by making excuses for Google. I did not speculate about that, since it would be ad hominem.

Slippery slope: I never implied Google will cause skynet. I asked where your personal limit to tolerate Google's shoddy machine learning algorithms is located. The extreme end of which, would be skynet.

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