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Comment Too many vaccines, too soon? (Score 2) 588

There are several problems with the "too many vaccines, too soon" idea.

First, a study in the UK found that using modern criteria, the incidence of autism does not differ by much with age--up to age 70. This agrees with the scientific consensus that the apparent increase in autism is largely, probably entirely, due to increased diagnosis

Second, our immune system has evolved to deal with huge numbers of natural "vaccines" from bacteria and viruses constantly introduced through every scratch, scrape, and inflammation. And the number of antigens introduced from natural bacteria and viruses are far in excess of the simplified antigens that are introduced in vaccines. If you study that antibodies produced from even one infection, you find that the number of antibodies produced are easily in the excess of dozens.

So it simply does not make sense.

Comment Re:Open source failed (Score 2) 447

You're likely to get modded Troll; but this really does remind me a bit of Ford vs. Toyota. For years Ford was fixed in peoples minds as the exploding Pinto company, and Toyota was high quality. Now Toyota isn't what it used to be, and Ford is better... but neither is perfect.

If nothing else this is a good argument against monoculture. We have different systems with different bugs, so it's not a total loss. If the market shares were evenly distributed among 10 different vendors, the black-hat task would be even harder, their impact of success that much less.

Comment Re:for a library... (Score 1) 447

All these higher level virtual machines and interpreters are ultimately written in C

And C runs on top of a processor. Intel FPU bug, anyone? IIRC, there were also some suspicions regarding hardware RNGs possibly being back-doored.

There are no silver-bullets, and a corollary to that is that there isn't just one monster you have to kill.

Comment I'm Deaf... (Score 1) 510

I mean seriously. There is no down side to going from not hearing to hearing except for having to listen to contemporary "music".

How is this horse shit actually modded up?

If you want to know what is killing Deaf culture, look no further than everyone who can hear and refuses to make any accommodations for us Deaf. So we run in droves to get CI (I just got mine 6 weeks ago) so that we don't become isolated and unemployable!

The standard list of ways we "oppress" hearing people with our "special needs":

1. Captions are so annoying. Who cares if we can't understand movies/tv/youtube/netflix as long as YOU don't have to be annoyed
2. People that know I'm Deaf still call me on the phone. are... you... fucking... stupid?
3. People that know I'm Deaf will walk over to my desk and talk to me, in an office where everyone is on company IM server all day long. are... you... that... stupid?
4. I'm going to guess that 95% of americans know the phrase No Habla Ingles. Maybe 10% know the sign for Deaf
5. I talk fine, but if I answer someone verbally, they assume I can hear them speak even though I said I'm Deaf. is it really possible to be this stupid???

Comment Re:Consider the GDP (Score 2) 351

Are we going to train them to write PHP

Improv. GO!

... yes, because there aren't enough qualified people here, get them H1B ASAP.

... Backward tribes already use PHP.

... Many of them can only count to 3, so... oh, no problem. Carry on.

... for FacePaintBook?

OK, that's all I've got. Thanks for the setup.

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