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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 11 declined, 1 accepted (12 total, 8.33% accepted)


Submission + - Global Cosmic Ray Warming ( writes: "Whether or not you believe man is causing global warming and we are all going to die from the devastation to our pristine beaches as sea levels rise; and that we must sacrifice everything, including jobs, families, and food for small children counting on their parents to have a paycheck to pay the bills, there has to be some part of you that questions the true scientific objectivity behind the assumptions that have lead politicians to gamble our livelihoods and economic prosperity on the faith that only drastic intervention can save the planet. Now we have a new climate theory using CERN that appears to be proving that "charged subatomic particles from outer space" have a large impact on cloud formation on earth, which in turn helps to create the greenhouse effect we are all introduced to by being told how clouds trap heat, and why it is cold at night when the sky is clear."

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