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Comment Re:What could possibly go wrong? (Score 1) 265

Ah, DDT, the first on your list. Forbes has a neat article about it, here's what they reference. A well-known entomologist documents some of the misstatements in Carson’s Silent Spring, the 1962 book that poisoned public opinion against DDT and other pesticides.

Page 99. Carson vividly describes the death of a bird that she thought may have been poisoned by a pesticide, but nowhere in the book does she describes the deaths of any of the people who were dying of malaria, yellow fever, plague, sleeping sickness, or other diseases that are transmitted by insects. Her propaganda in Silent Spring contributed greatly to the banning of insecticides that were capable of preventing human deaths. Carson shares the responsibility for literally millions of deaths among the poor people in underdeveloped nations. Dr. William Bowers, head of the Entomology Department at the University of Arizona, said in 1986 that DDT is the most significant discovery of all time, and “in malaria control alone it saved almost 3 billion lives.”

Rachel Carson’s lack of concern for human lives endangered by diseases transmitted by insects is revealed on page 187, where she writes: “Only yesterday mankind lived in fear of the scourges of smallpox, cholera and plague that once swept nations before them. Now our major concern is no longer with the disease organisms that once were omnipresent; sanitation, better living conditions, and new drugs have given us a high degree of control over infectious disease. Today we are concerned with a different kind of hazard that lurks in our environment—a hazard we ourselves have introduced into our world as our modern way of life has evolved.”

Surely Carson was aware that the greatest threats to humans are diseases such as malaria, typhus, yellow fever, Chagas’s disease, African sleeping sickness, and a number of types of Leishmaniasis and tick-borne bacterial and rickettsial diseases. She deliberately avoids mentioning any of these, because they could be controlled only by the appropriate use of insecticides, especially DDT. Carson evidently preferred to sacrifice those millions of lives rather than advocate any usage of such chemicals.


The dead birds Wallace sent out for subsequent study were analyzed by a method that detected only “total chlorine content” and could not determine what kind of chlorine was present; none was analyzed for mercury contamination). It was obviously highly irresponsible for Wallace and Carson to jump to the conclusion that the Michigan State University robins were being killed by DDT, and especially for Carson to highlight the false theory in her book long after the truth was evident.

In many feeding experiments birds, including robins, were forced to ingest great quantities of DDT (and its breakdown product, DDE). Wallace did not provide any evidence that indicated the Michigan State University robins may have been killed by those chemicals. Researcher Joseph Hickey at the University of Wisconsin had testified before the Environmental Protection Agency hearings on DDT specifically that he could not kill any robins by overdosing them with DDT because the birds simply passed it through their digestive tract and eliminated it in their feces. Many other feeding experiments by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and various university researchers repeatedly showed that DDT and DDE in the diet could not have killed wild birds under field conditions. If Carson had mentioned these pertinent details it would have devastated her major theme, which continued to be the awful threats posed by DDT to all nonhuman creatures on the face of the Earth. Instead of providing the facts that would clarify such conditions, she spent several more pages on unfounded allegations about DDT and various kinds of birds.

Page 109. Carson alleges that because of the spray programs, “Heavy mortality has occurred among about 90 species of birds, including those most familiar to suburbanites and amateur naturalists. ... All the various types of birds are affected—ground feeders, treetop feeders, bark feeders, predators.”

Carson provides no references to confirm that allegation. The Audubon Christmas Bird Counts, in fact, continued to reveal that more birds were counted, per observer, during the greatest “DDT years,” including those types that Carson had declared to be declining in numbers. When marshes were sprayed with DDT to control the mosquitoes, a common result was a population explosion of birds inhabiting the marshes. The increases evidently occurred because of a reduction in bird diseases that were formerly transmitted by local blood-sucking insects, greater abundance of available food (less plant destruction by insects), and increased quantities of hepatic enzymes produced by the birds as a result of ingesting DDT (these enzymes destroy cancer-causing aflatoxins in birds and other vertebrates).

The flocks of birds—such as red-winged blackbirds—that were produced by the millions in marshes that had been sprayed with DDT caused tremendous damage to grain crops in Ohio and elsewhere. Such destruction was not desirable, and if Carson had complained about that nobody could have criticized her for it. Instead, she attempted to convince the readers that spraying the marshes caused the death of the birds nesting there, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Comment Re:Limited power to change working situation... (Score 1) 348


You're defending people who are bright enough to avoid the warnings, for the last 40 years. Do you flip out on people eating fast food? Heart disease is the leading killer.

Vaping IS cool, AND it is saving lives- more than the gum ever did.

Stopping a bad habit is beneficial, who would've thought? There are fewer smokers today despite vaping.

It's worth some karma. It's worth some anger. It's worth my ego versus yours. If you are opposed to tobacco replacement for smokers, if you spread lies about how e-cigs are like "lite cigs", then you are literally causing cancer.

Did adults suddenly not become responsible for their behavior? Their actions are solely responsible, not some blowhard on a forum, the person willfully inhaling.

YOU BECOME A CARCINOGEN. And unlike tobacco and the other carcinogens, you have agency, and can fix your goddamned shit. And you best do it fast before a statistically signifigant portion of your smoker friends are injured or killed, when your attitude could instead have lead them to STOP smoking, START vaping, and not have had that happen.

Who are you to tell people what they can and cannot put into their body? Sounds like these people lack discipline and willpower to deny themselves something they've LEARNED to like. FYI I'm a former smoker and not an antismoking nazi either.

Comment Re:Will SystemD feature creep ever stop ? (Score 1) 553

And no, code for scanning through a gigantic binary file is not going to be as fast as loading a 1k text file.

"Fun" might be another word? I do happen to know who enjoys digging through binary files, the souls who reverse engineer things! Maybe the GP is one of those who uses a hex editor for everything? The proverbial sledge hammer (of file editing).

Comment Re:Just hire a CPA (Score 1) 450

I imagine all professional CPAs use some sort of professional CPA program.

There are many things that are farmed out as well, take tax credits. In a nutshell Businesses may be applicable for these if they hire employees from certain areas for example. Traditionally this might be handled in-house, or farmed out to an accountant/firm, who then might farm it out again to a firm that specializes in these things, who again farm it out to cheap data processing labor. It's quite a rabbit hole, imagine insurance companies! A project our company developed generated and processed these tax credits in batches in seconds. The system needed to be accurate an used shape files to define areas and performed multiple look ups using different maps for fail overs. This process illustrated some awesome exceptions with resolving addresses. The entire tax credit industry exists because of lobbying and ultimately the product wasn't marketed.

Comment Re:The Government is NOT here to help you... (Score 1) 463

The distribution of first time offenders is almost perfectly evenly distributed.

I tried to find this, can you cite this at all? I spent about an hour searching. Seems like this could be a really interesting hobby project site.

It's just that a Black person who offends is treated so much more harshly than a White doing the same thing, that recidivism is almost guaranteed.

The longer the sentence the more likely one is to re-offend?

It's a "tough on crime" conspiracy by the Conservatives to strip the vote from all the Blacks.

This would only affect those who are 1) serving time 2) doing drugs. Since there isn't any language that applies to only certain skin tones, it applies to all inmates convicted of these crimes. Also, seems like a small voting block to be concerned about, [warning pdf]why wouldn't they go for the smaller ones first? Perhaps it has to do with money? See below.

Researching incarceration by race, I began by looking for bias in sentencing (is it judges etc.) I learned a large part of the harshness revolves around crack cocaine sentencing guidelines. Police operate by going into areas of poverty and performing sweeps. If you have a prior the sentence increases, it's like a feedback loop. Different classes of people do different drugs. Whites, for example, are more likely to be Methamphetamine users. Sentencing has increased for across all races however there remains a gap.

It largely, in my opinion, seems more of a socioeconomic issue than anything. I'd say a stronger argument would be the breakdown of the nuclear family and poverty. See the link below for the Moynihan Report, which was done in 1965 and recently revisited.

The Black Family: Five Decades After the Moynihan Report. Although I encourage everyone to view the report, for the lazy here are some highlights.

Among the findings in “The Moynihan Report Revisited”:

  • The statistics that so alarmed Moynihan have only grown worse, not only for blacks, but for whites and Hispanics as well. Today, the share of white children born outside marriage is about the same as the share was for black children in Moynihan’s day. Meanwhile, the percentage of black children born to unmarried mothers has tripled, remaining far higher than the percentage of white children born to unmarried mothers.
  • In 1960, 20 percent of black children lived with their mothers but not their fathers; by 2010, 53 percent of all black children lived in such families. The share of white children living with their mothers but not their fathers climbed to 20 percent in 2010, up from 6 percent in 1960.
  • There has been a marked retreat from marriage. In 1960, just over one-half of all black women were married and living with their husbands, compared with over two-thirds of white and Hispanic women. By 2010, only one-quarter of black women, two-fifths of Hispanic women, and one-half of white women lived with their spouses.
  • That the decline of traditional families occurred across racial and ethnic groups indicates that factors driving the decline do not lie solely within the black community but in the larger social and economic context. Nevertheless, the consequences may be felt disproportionately among blacks as black children are far more likely to be born into and raised in father-absent families than are white children.

In addition there's also some related highlights from 50 years on the War on Poverty and here too, which illustrates the rise in unwanted pregnancies, single parent households.

Comment Re:Land of the free (Score 1) 580

But we are too chickenshit, and perhaps more importantly in debt to China, that both NK and China will get away with this shit.

"in debt to China" TL;DR. Vast majority of the debt is domestically held, saying China "owns" the U.S. or any other country for that matter is nonsense.

And while I'm tossing blame, Sony itself is to blame for its crappy Security. How the hell does Muti-terabytes of data leave your network, without even a HINT of it. I'm sure that whatever cost savings they were going for when IT budgets came out was well worth it. I hope Sony gets it pants sued off (see first paragraph) by the likes of all the actors, crews and other employees.

Wonder if their IT was outsourced?

Comment Re:My what impressive sources you have! (Score 1) 388

For the record this event couldn't have happened to a better company. Since we're talking individuals and not collections of people: It's not just these parts, for example take violations of prisoners, specifically rape jokes. How are those convicted of sex crimes, say involving children (Sandusky) treated inside the system?

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